Breakfast and Morning Call

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Yuri p.o.v
The light filters through the curtains, creating a thin line of light that just precisely falls where my head lays, shining on my eyes. I moan softly, and then turn around, expecting to still stay on the bed, only to fall off.
"O-Ow!" With a thud I fall on my butt, pulling the blankets along with me, That hurts...I groan again, and stand up before starting to walk while rubbing my eye tiredly. I place the blankets over Ren who is snoring, then pick Lily up who cradles into the nook of my arm and then start making my way over to the kitchen.
Arriving at the kitchen, I notice a few things immediately. Firstly, there is a mouthwatering smell creeping around in the kitchen. Secondly, I can hear a loud snoring coming from Tora, who is sleeping on the couch after losing with rock-paper-scissors against Haru of who would get the guest room.
And thirdly, the mouthwatering smell is coming from Haru, who is wearing a white shit and grey shorts, and expertly flips something in the baking pan before lowering the heat and turns around, freezing when he sees me standing there.
We both stare at each other for a moment, both not moving and both trying to think of what to say. That is, until the quietness is broken by a particular loud snore of Tora and Haru barely suppresses a snort, following with a short sentence.
"I made pancakes. Grab a few plates and I'll be right back." I nod quickly, my cheeks falling up a little while darting after Haru and place Lily next to me before taking a seat. A glass of orange is placed before me and I look up.
"Here. Now only to wake up the lazy bitch." He promptly turns around and starts stalking towards Tora, a spatula in his hands.
....What is he gonna do with the spatula? A bead of sweat slides down my back back as he swings the spatula quick and deadly like a snake...And hits Tora right on the back of her head.
With a yowl she shoots up, holding an already forming bump, and then slowly turns to Haru like in a movie, her eyes are screaming murder. Feeling like this is gonna end up in a fight, I jump out of my chair, waving my hands around frantically.
"H-Hey, T-Tora! Haru made b-breakfast, do you want s-some? They already l-look very y-yummy!" The hundred-and-eighty turn happens so quickly, I blink owlishly to try and process what happened. "Ohhhhh, pancake! The love of my life!"
She jumps in parkour style over the couch, out of her makeshift bed and claims my seat before I even turn back. I smile softly and shake my head at her antics. She resembles Lily with her personality.
Haru let's out a loud tsk, but complies and goes back to the pancakes before they can burn. "What's with the commotion?" Grumbles a voice sleepy, and I turn my head slightly to the left and giggle. Ren is standing there with a bed head, and he rubs his hand over his eye before coming to his senses.
"Oh, thank god." He makes a praying motion with his hands. "I almost thought it was Tora who was standing in the kitchen." Haru and Lily snort loudly at Tora's offended noise. "Hey! That's mean!"
Haru and Ren both give her the most deadpanned look at the same time. "You burned fucking cereal. Cereal. And not even fucking once, but thrice. Thrice!" Snarks Haru as Tora shifts in her seat, an awkward chuckle slips past her lips. I sputter while Lily starts howling in laughter at my expression.
"I-I'm sorry, but w-what?" This time it's Ren who answers. He shrugs, settling down before motioning with his hand to come closer and I realize I'm still standing there. He pulls me into his lap as I'm closer and places his chin on the top of my head. "We don't know. We're still trying to figure out, so she is banned from using the kitchen without our supervision."
My face is burning at Lily's and Tora's wiggling eyebrows and Haru's raised eyebrow as he stares at us. "Please, just get a room, you two." I hide my face in my hands.
"Already have one." Shoots Ren right back and I wack his arm at that.

After we ate breakfast and each one had taken turns to shower, except for Haru, who had already showered, Tora is currently laying on the couch, her phone in her hands as Lily is snuggled in between her arms as Tora giggles every now and then.
Haru and Ren are playing a zombie game in teams, and are trying to set a new record to replace the last one when they played a few weeks ago.
I smile fondly at the image they're creating before returning to the current hand, or rather an important thing.
I gaze down at my hand, where a small paper is clenched down so tightly, it is crinkling.
Ren gave it to me after breakfast, stating it was from Ema and didn't want to ruin the atmosphere yesterday when he introduced his friends. My hands are trembling as I open it, pausing at the bold letters written there.

Call me. We need to talk.

Walking away from them to give myself some privacy, I open my phone in a long time, and notice endless missed calls and notifications from the brothers. Ignoring that for now, I press call, my hands are trembling even more and clench my hand that doesn't hold my phone to a fist.
Left her....
Butted in....
Stole the brothers from her....
I flinch harshly at the sound of the phone answering, and try to calm my breathing. "Yuri, is that you?" Ema's voice sounds....uncertain. Nervous. I take another shuddering breath before answering.
"....Okay." A sigh is heard. "I wanted to talk to you from face-to-face if that is possible. Also, the brothers are worried about you, so if you can, you can stop by for lunch and then we will talk."
The shaking doesn't stop. No, it only gets worse as she continues to talk. It becomes so bad, I have to sit down, my back pressed against the wall. "Yuri?"
I squeeze my eyes shut, the guilt threatening to swallow me whole. I made them worry...I left without explanation...I nod before I realize it, and clear my throat quickly. "O-O-Okay." I hate that my voice breaks. "I c-can stop b-by."
She sighs again, relief flooding in her voice. "Thank you." And then she hangs up. I clench my fingers around my phone, wanting the ground to swallow me before lowering my head, and pull legs up and the curl my hands around them, the phone forgotten next to me.

Hey, readers! I know this chapter is a bit later then usual, and I know that and it will probably continue so. Because I'm gonna be busy with school because, here, you're already going to have about 1/3 of your marks will determine your exams! I hope you understand!
Have a nice day and stay safe! ;))

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