Start Trip

910 32 7

"I... I was going to ask Ren out after he came back from his favorite café, and was looking forward to it all day and then he came back, and-and," he buries his face in the crook of her neck, is body trembles as Toga lets out shushing sounds to calm him down.
"And... when he came back he could only talk about a cute guy, so I didn't say anything." He breathes deeply through his nose. "Now every time I see him I can't but think that Ren's lips kissed Yuri's and what they are doing, and it's-it's just fucking unbearable, Toga." He whimpers softly, wrapping his arms around her and squeezes her tightly.
"I know, Haru." She whispers. "I know."

Yuri p.o.v
"What w-was t-that?" I whisper to Lily, who shrugs in my arms and turns around to meet my eyes.
"Not sure, but I have the feeling it is gonna bite is in the the ass." She chuckles nervously as I direct a glare her way at her language and whistles as if nothing happened. I shake my head disapprovingly, and scold her.
"First o-of all, language. S-Second of all, t-that s-sounded really c-creepy coming off of y-you." She makes an indignant squeak.
"What is that supposed to mean?! Hey-Oi! Don't ignore me!" Ignoring her, I continue on walking towards the bedroom, intending on changing clothes and get ready to go with the Asahina family. I hope Ema is feeling alright going with me. A deep sigh escapes me as my shoulders sag. When we planned that trip there were some awkward moments here and there, but... A slight smile is tugging at my lips. It's feels familiar, safe. A lilting voice is heard behind me.
"What are you thinking about?" A shriek escapes me as I jump into the air. I swivel around and puff out my cheeks, feeling a bit irritated at how I still get jumpy as he continues doing the same thing over and over.
"S-Stop doing t-that!" Ren laughs as I whack him with my left hand, making sure that Lily won't fall out of my other arm.
"Sorry, not sorry." He holds up his hands in surrender as I slap his upper arm, "Sooooo, you will be okay, going on the trip?" He asks casually as we arrive at the door of the bedroom. However, I detect a hint of concern and nervosity behind the causality. I wordlessly open the door, letting him in first and follow after him, only answering after the door is closed.
"Yes." Ren opens his mouth, probably not convinced but shuts it quickly as I follow up with, "I'm a-a bit nervous, s-sure, but" I give him a slight grin, "I'm mostly t-thrilled t-to just be able t-to talk with J-July and Ema." He sighs and rubs his temples.
"I know, I know, okay? But if there's anything you need, you can-"
"Call you, or t-text. I k-know." My lips quirk up as he pouts a bit. Cute.
"Man, all my words get taken out of my mouth like that, nice to know." I chuckle and shake my head.
"Don't worry a-about it, okay? I-I will t-text you when we a-arrive a-and we can call before I go t-to sleep. In b-b-between I can a-also s-send you pictures." He smiles and pecks me on top of my head.
"Okay, let's do that." The sweet moment is ruined by Lily screaming in between.
"It's too sappy! It makes me puke! Get, get away from each other!" She screeches before jumping towards Ren, who shrieks and jumps backwards to avoid her nails.
"Get your rat away from me!" With an amused shake of my head, I turn around and start dressing, mindful of the commotion happening behind me as Ren is trying to dodge Lily's attacks by jumping onto the bed with Lily screeching about 'not being a rat' and 'I show you a rat'. This is fun.

Third p.o.v
It's is currently busy in front of the Sunrise Residence as everyone's busy packing and making sure they've everything for the trip. Ema is standing there as Hikaru greets her with a smile, wearing a white shirt, blue-grayish pants and a blue scarf. She gives him a quick one-over before asking curiously.
"So you're dressed as a man today?" Hikaru smiles wider.
"I don't look so bad like this, either, right?"
"Yes." Meanwhile Ukyo hums thoughtfully as he looks around, counting each head.
"It is almost time for us to depart, but..." Masaomi answers Ukyo's silent question with a calm voice, "Subaru's on the phone, Yuri texted me a few minutes ago they were coming, so wait for them." The front door opens, revealing Subaru holding a blue bag on his shoulder. He makes his way over to them. Wataru, who has kept silent between the whole exchange, chimes in,
"Huh? Isn't Kana-bro here?"
"Kaname had a lot to prepare for, so he has been there since yesterday." Wataru's mouth opens in a perfect o as his eyes light up in understanding.
"Sorry for keeping you guys." Apologizes Subaru as he joins the small group. Wataru lights up in happiness as Masaomi smiles gently in return, the question rolls off his lips.
"How did it go?"
"Yeah, I told them I wanted to think about it a little more."
"I see. That makes sense." Ema watches the exchange silently, curiosity shining through her eyes. I wonder what they're talking about-
"S-Sorry, I'm s-so late!" Shouts a voice all of the sudden, making Ema's head turn to the source. Yuri is running towards them, his bag is bouncing on his back as he's carrying Lily in his arms. His hair is a mess as if he has just come out of bed, his lips are slightly swollen and red as if he has bitten it for too long. And... The corner of Ema's lips involuntary curl up a little. Yuri's wearing a shirt that's a few sizes too big for him. Although it makes her heart twinge a bit, Yuri and Ren look cute together. Ren is running behind Yuri, his hair also tussled and wild. His shirt is crumpled, and... Is that a hickey? She chokes on her spit, and turns away from them to hide her burning face.
"Don't mind it, you're here now." Greets Ukyo them politely as they both come to a full stop in front of him. Ren bends forward and plants his hands on his knees, his breaths come out in pants.
"Fuck," He curses in between the pants, "you can sure run fast." He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and stands up, still looking out of breath. Yuri, aside from the crumpled hair, looks fine, although a bit sweaty and his breathing is a bit faster than normal. He grins up to Ren and pokes his side with his index finger.
"Maybe you s-should work o-out a bit more t-then, hmm? Instead o-of gaming and s-standing s-still in t-the store?" He swipes Yuri's hand away, laughing a bit.
"Fuck you. Don't belly shame." Yuri gives him a quick shake of his head, and extends both of his arms to give Ren a hug.
"I-I would never." Ren squeezes before taking a step back.
"Have fun and text me when you arrive, okay?"
"Aye, a-aye, C-Captain." Yuri salutes seriously, although the smile breaking his lips betrays him. Ren just fondly shakes his head, and muzzles Yuri's hair, making it even worse than before. With a whine he swats the hand away and turns away from him, to Ukyo.
"I-I'm ready t-to go." He smiles.
"Then, shall we depart?" Wataru cheers loudly.
"Yay! Festival!" Ema jolts as two hands settle onto her shoulders, and turns her head slightly. It's Yusuke.
"Okay, run along then!" He chirps.
"Huh? What about you, Yusuke?" She asks, confused. Yusuke laughs awkwardly, and let's go off of her shoulders.
"Uh, I'd forgotten that I had my prep school's summer course at the exact same time." She whirls around, her face is filled with surprise and shock, "What?!" He closes his eyes.
"I'm dying to go, but unlike you, my grades are bad." He opens them again and stares at the ground as he continues, a small smile is on his lips, "Right now, entrance exams are more important than a vacation, so... I want to go to the same college as you and Yuri." Ema's eyes dim slightly at the mention of Yuri's name, but she quickly closes her eyes and shakes her head. No! I'm not going to think like that again. Resolutely she opens them again, and stares up to Yusuke.
"Go have fun." He grins. Ema nods.
"Okay." The moment is interrupted by Natsume's voice.
"Who's coming in this car?" He asks, followed by Azusa's quick affirmative voice.
"Okay." He glances at Azusa before turning his eyes elsewhere. "Who else?" Ignoring Natsume's questioning eyes, Subaru walks past him and goes to the white car, placing his bag in it, to then get in it himself. Wataru is happily waving at them.
"Okay, Little Sister and Brother, you're over here." Chimes Hikaru in cheerfully, grabbing Ema's shoulders to steer her towards the red car.
"O-Okay?" Yuri and Ema say both simultaneously, glancing at each other a bit awkwardly before Yuri turns towards Ren again.
"S-See you later?" He nods, grinning brightly.
"Of course, Dimwit. What else did you expect?" Yuri shakes his head, his hair bounces.
"Nothing else."

Brothers conflict (currently updating some chapters) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang