Chokehold & Ice Cream

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We're both giggling and laughing like children as Ren walks us further into the apartment, to be greeted with a Haru holding a Toga in a chokehold who is screeching like a banshee and Lily who magically conjured a bag of popcorn in her paws out of nowhere and is cheering them on.
"God, help us all." Mumbles Ren, and I can't help but agree.

Yuri p.o.v
"Oh, there you guys are!" Exclaims Toga cheerfully, her whole demeanor changes so quickly it gives me a whiplash. "Now...Will someone be so kind to drag this fat whale off of me?!" I wince at the high tone, feeling sympathy for Haru, but as I glance his way he's just sitting there, not fazed by her screaming. On the contrary, it seems like the chokehold is getting tighter as her scream gets choked off a little before it rises in pitch again.
Ren loses his grip a little on me, indicating he wants to let me go. My eyes ligt up in understanding and I quickly scramble out of his arms to stand onto the floor. I focus on Lily, and start walking towards her while as Ren pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes while looking so done with them.
"W-What happened here, L-Lily, and w-where d-did the popcorn c-come from?!" I whisper-shout as I reach her, quickly plucking her from the couch to settle against my chest. Ignoring her indignant shout of 'hey!' as her popcorn drops out of her paws, I turn to Ren again. He is still pinching the bridge of his nose.
Ren sighs before placing his hands in a praying motion in front of his chest, he asks, "I apologize in advance for my cursing, but what the fuck are you doing?"
"Holding this bitch in a chokehold." Deadpans Haru.
"No shit, Sherlock. Why for fucking God's sake are you doing it?" Snaps Ren swiftly back.
"Because she was planning on recording your conversation so she had more blackmail, and I thought 'hey Haru, let's be nice for once and hold her back', which by the way, it was no problem, and I want some ice cream as compensation for my bursted eardrums." I squeeze my lips together in order to keep my giggle in.
He fixes Toga with a stern look, resembling a father scolding his children, as if to say with his eyes 'is that true, Toga?' She hangs her head, done with screaming and nods slowly. Ren lets out a steady breath through his nose.
"I should've expected this from you. Fuck me, I need something strong right now. Oh, and Toga?" She glances up from the floor, curiosity shining in her eyes.
"No ice cream for you."
"Nooo!" She shrieks, and starts begging for the ice cream. I quickly turn away, my hand on my mouth while the other is still clutching Lily, my shoulders are shaking from laughter. As if nothing has happened, Ren turns to Haru.
"The ice cream is in the freezer, top drawer. Grab a beer will ya?" With a loud whoop Haru jumps up, letting go off Toga as he quickly runs to the freezer.
"That's the fastest I've ever seen him run." Mumbles Ren, shaking his head as he starts to make his way towards the couch, stepping over Toga, who is laying there, sobbing about ice cream.
"T-That's the only t-time I've ever s-seen h-him run." I quip, following Ren to the couch, and place Lily onto my lap as I sit down. Ren barks out a surprised laugh at my response, giving Haru a grateful nod when he passes by, giving him a beer while holding a Jen & Berry's tub of ice cream in his left hand. With big letters it appears to be chocolate chip cookie dough flavor. I unconsciously dart out my tongue to lick my lips real quick.
Haru glances at the motion from the corner of his eyes, wisely choosing to ignore it for the sake of his sanity, He plops onto the couch next to me, a spoon is dangling out of his mouth, and with a small, satisfied grin he pops it out of his mouth and sticks it in the tub.
"I want some, too." Whines Lily on my lap, quieting a bit as I start to scratch behind her ears. Ren is drinking, and is now on his phone probably texting someone, I think his mother or sister. Toga has moved from the floor onto an armchair, although, she is has face-planted the floor, they're both not noticing the exchange as Haru stares down at Lily, simply stating with a dry voice,
"You'll get fat." I snort, quickly hiding my smile as Lily squeaks at Haru's answer, shaking my hand of with a glare directed at him.
"I will not get fat!"
"You will."
"Will not!"
"Will." Seeing Lily's neck hair is slowly standing up and before it can get out of the hand I frantically start to wave my hands around.
"G-Guys, c-calm down! Lily, I-I'll but you s-something tomorrow, o-okay?" I give her a reassuring smile. Luckily, she settles down again, curling up in my lap, intending to sleep. I check to make sure she isn't focusing on her surroundings anymore, and direct a disapproving glare to Haru.
"What?" He mumbles, his mouth full off cookie dough ice cream. I lift an eyebrow at his statement.
"S-Stop provoking Lily."
"I didn't. Besides...." He answers and sticks another spoon of ice cream in his mouth, taking his sweet time with savoring the taste. A bit amused, I wait for him to finish his sentence. ".... she started." He finishes, the spoon once again is dangling in the corner of his mouth.
"Y-You sta-" Before I can even finish, he pushes a spoon full of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in my mouth, effectively shutting me up. I almost moan as the flavor hits me. Oh, my gosh, this is so good! Apparently I've shut my eyes, as the fly open to glare at Haru, who is smirking at me, also sticking a spoon in his mouth.
"T-That was l-low." I pout slightly, still chewing.
"But it worked, didn't it?"  His eyes are twinkling with mischief as he holds up another spoon full of the heavenly ice cream. Instead of giving him an answer I close my mouth around the spoon, accepting some more ice cream.

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