Arriving & Meeting The First Brother

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Third p.o.v
"I'm sorry about July's behaviour earlier." Ema apologises, still feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole ordeal earlier with July. "He's not used being around young men." Yusuke averts his gaze from Ema. She's too close. Wanting to divert the topic, he blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind.
"More like, are you okay?"
"I mean, you suddenly have all these brothers, so I thought you may feel lost or something." He hurriedly explains himself, squeezing the handle tighter. Ema looks down, memories of her and Yuri flashes through her mind.
"I'm taken aback by it, of course, but..." she giggles to herself and Yusuke looks at her in confusion, "I already have a sibling, so I know a little bit about it." His head snaps back to her in surprise. "What?!" He exclaims, shrinking when the passengers around him throw nasty gazes at him.
"What? I didn't know you had a sibling?!" He whisper-yells at her. "How do we not know about them?!" She tilts her head confused towards him.
"You mean, Papa didn't tell you about Yu-chan? That's weird...." She mumbles to herself as Yusuke drifts off. They have another sister? Where is she? How old is she? Why didn't Rintarou-san tell them about the other sister?
" currently in America for a scholarship, for ballet. Yu-chan is pretty amazing," she sighs happily, laying a hand onto her cheek as she thinks back at all the work Yu-chan put into getting that scholarship. So the sister is pretty good at ballet, too. She smiles back up at Yusuke again.
"But thanks for worrying about me."
"Dumba-!" He snaps his mouth shut and looks away. "That's not it. It's nothing like that." I wonder how her sister looks....


Yuri p.o.v
I release a deep sigh and sink further into a seat of the tram. My luggage is under my seat, Lily is on my lap (although still in her cage) and my backpack is put between my legs and I occasionally make sure nobody messes with it or something. Lily yawns.
"Are we almost there, yet?" She whines for the almost umpteenth time already. I only shake my head and then turn away to look out of the window.
The flight was tedious, and exhausting. I'm sweaty, tired and longing to take a long, hot shower. My stomach is also throwing a fit in hunger and my appearance has had also the best time. My clothes are rumpled, my headphones have been put away in my backpack, I've put on my glasses as my eyes are tired of lenses and my hair is put up in a small ponytail.

I eye the next stop, my chest expands as I inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Finally, we are almost there. Standing up so I can grab my things and get ready, the tram gets closer and closer. Finally. I smile tiredly before stepping out of the tram, dragging my suitcase behind me, Lily in the other hand and my backpack on my back. Let's go. Next stop, Sunrise Residence.

Third p.o.v
Ema had taken the tram alone as Yusuke said he still had to take care of something at school and was now walking the last part to home. She is a little tired, she went to school for a whole day, after all. Still.... She smiles softly. She has a big family waiting for her to get home. A warm feelings fills her chest as she reaches the Sunrise Residence before slowing to a stop. Confusion shines in her eyes as she stares at a blonde head.
It must be someone else. She shakes her head, wondering if she is dreaming. Even though she knows it can't be Ukyo, he is too tall for that. She stumbles forward, confusion changes into concern and happiness and longing.
"Yu-chan...?" The person tenses up before spinning around, shoulders relaxing immediately. A bright smile is send her way. A familiar smile, with familiar glasses on his nose and familiar lilac-coloured eyes twinkling at her in a painfully well-known, mischievous way.


Yuri p.o.v
Man, I'm tired. My feet are aching as I arrive at the door of the Sunrise Residence. So, what now? Should I just knock? I jump from one foot to the other and bite my lip nervously. What if Ema isn't home, yet, and the family is like: who are you? What then? How would I convince them? I mean, can I even convince them?
"I can feel your brain just working from over here." Grumbles Lily, irritated at having to sit in the cage for over 12 hours and on top of that, it is late. She wants to just lay down and eat and sleep. I smile down at her cage.
"Sorry." Still, I am hesitating to ring the doorbell, my eyebrows crease in worry. In the background I can hear footsteps coming close, but I ignore it, as I'm intensely staring at the doorbell in front of me.
"Yu-chan?" I tense up for a second, the voice not immediately registering in my mind before I spin around, my shoulders relax at the sight of my adoptive sister. A mischievous smile works it way up to my lips at her dumbfounded face and my eyes twinkle.

After we both embraced each other, elated to see each other again after so long, Ema pulls back and immediately questions flood from her mouth. July is still staring down at me, like he can't believe I'm real.
"Was this a surprise? Will you be staying with m-us now? Did Papa know? How are you doing? Are you alright? How is ballet doing-?" I chuckle and put a hand of her mouth to stop her line of questions. Her eyes widen.
"Em-chan, c-calm down." I grin up at her and she nods when I suddenly feels something wet dragging of my hand and I pull my hand back with a shriek. "Ema!" She laughs out loud at my indignant expression and I follow her after a second. It probably looks weird, two people laughing hard in front of a house, but it's like something has loosened up in my chest, like I can fully breathe again. I missed Ema. So, I ignore how weird it looks like and continue laughing.
"I'm so happy that you are back, Yu-chan." Ema says, out of breath at laughing so long and smiles softly. I grin back, also a bit out of breath, and nod.
"I'm happy t-to be back, Em-chan." It seems like her eyes are glistening a little, but she quickly casts her eyes down to rummage through her back, and I am left wondering if it was a trick of the light. When she lifts her head back up again, eyes looking normal and produces a key, I figure it was just that, a trick of the light. Yeah, it was probably nothing.

"Shall we go in?" Ema asks rhetorically before opening the door with a click. "Tadaima." She greets and takes off her shoes.
"Ojama shimasu." I humbly greet no one in particular and also take off my shoes before grabbing my suitcase and Lily again.
"I can carry Lily, if you want." I hand over the cage, grateful for the offer and follow Ema into the residence. Lily is still knocked out, the flight took a number on her. It is really big. I gaze around as we walk further, in awe at the enormous building. Ema chuckles at my expression and I stick my tongue out towards her. It is a bit of a struggle to get my suitcase down the stairs, but when I finally manage it - Ema is already downstairs - I look around for other residents. Ema seems to think the same thing.
"Oh? There's no one here."
"Yeah, i-it is a bit e-empty." Ema nods. July disagrees.
"No, I sense the presence of a male." I lift up an eyebrow at his choice of words and decide to tease him a little.
"Still keeping u-up with that? Does it e-ever get old, July-kun?" The squirrel sputters and Ema laughs at our antics while we walk towards where July was pointing. I leave my suitcase behind even when Ema keeps holding onto Lily's cage as we lean over the couch.

There he is, 'the male' that July was talking about. He is pretty handsome. The boy in front of us has messy light brown hair that is pinned to the side with four yellow clips. Even though he has a pretty handsome face, his choice of outfit is...interesting. I can't judge though. The boy is wearing a green and white striped three-fourths shirt, a grey sweater vest paired with a pair of brown shorts. Wait... I know him from something.
"Futo Asakura?"
"The pop s-star."
"And the twelfth son, huh?" I flinch as all of the sudden a pair of eyes stare straight into my eyes before they drift over to Ema.
"Who are you two?" He asks briskly, turning over a little and lays his arm on his forehead. "Someone's woman?" My cheeks turn bright red at his question and Ema also looks a bit taken aback. First of all, that's rude to ask. Second of all, I am not a woman.
"I-I'm not-"
"What? No-" Ema and I both speak simultaneously before the pop star rudely interrupts us.
"I don't know how you both got in here, but you think you can get away with pulling a stunt like this?" If we were intruders, do you really think we would be standing here, watching you? How arrogant can you be? I let Ema answer for both of us.
"That is, I came to this house the other day, and Yu-chan arrived today-" She gestures to me.
"Oh!" Asakura's eyes widen. "The two daughters of the man that Miwa got remarried to. That's right." As he pulls himself up into a sitting position, I feel a vein pop up in my forehead. He stands up. We both turn to face Asakura, I'm standing slightly in front of Ema as he approaches us.
"I'm not-"
"Hmm, you two, huh?" Before I know it, he is right in my face, staring intently at me. I lean a tad back.
"You're pretty cute, but you almost look like a kid with that height."
"And you," he lifts his gaze over my head to stare at Ema, "you are pretty in your own way, but you look kind of stupid."
"Or rather, I bet you're an idiot." He continues his onslaught of insults and his gaze locks with mine as Ema sputters behind me, caught of guard by his comment. July is hissing towards Asakura, swiping his little paw at him.
"I bet you're also really just a kid pretending to be older than you actually are." I can't help but snark back a little at this.
"I bet y-you're actually a kid, a-acting so childish. W-What are you, twelve?" A glint appears in his eyes and he leans even closer, so I quickly take a step back and collide with Ema behind me.
"I'm fifteen."
"S-Sure." He looks almost... delighted when I talk back and before I can think more of it, he abruptly turns around and gives a condescending wave.
"Nice to meet you, stupid big sis and little sister."
"I'm not...!" He has already disappeared upstairs before I can correct his assumption at my gender. A heavy sigh slips past my lips. This is already going great.

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