Maverick flew to the carriage to grab her wand and ring, and some more comfortable clothes than her uniform. She was grateful for the pants to cover her skinned knee. She didn't want to raise any more suspicion than she already had. 

When it was finally time to leave, she took a deep breath. 

"I can do this," she whispered, as she reached for the door handle. 

"Best of luck," Professor Griff called to her as she turned the handle and opened the door. "Remember to have confidence in yourself. You are stronger than you think." As she closed the door behind her, Katrina got the feeling his advice had multiple meanings.

As she made her way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, (She was not looking forward to seeing Myrtle. Let's just say she and Myrtle had a little.....disagreement in her third year.) she avoided eye contact with the people around her, which was difficult since her wardrobe was noticeably different. Everyone who saw her whispered about her, realizing that she must be heading to the second task. 

"Where are you going?" Katrina jumped a little and whirled around as she neared the top of a staircase. She had finally found some solitude as everyone settled into their classes. Thomas was at the foot of the stairs. A sinking feeling settled in her stomach as she realized that she would be the reason Thomas made it to the second task. She inhaled and exhaled deeply through her nose to calm herself.

"The second task," she said. His eyes narrowed.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" he hissed. 

"I just figured it out last night," she explained. "I didn't have time."

"You should have come found me. Where were you this morning?"

"We don't have time for this!" she exclaimed, hoping to avoid the question. "You need to hurry if you're going to make it to the task!" Thankfully, he seemed to follow her logic. 

"Where is it?" 

"The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets," she said. 

"I'll be there soon," he declared before dashing down the stairs, probably to run as fast as humanly possible to his ship to grab whatever he could. 

Katrina hurried down the hall to the bathroom. When she entered, Albus and Nicole were already there. Albus looked away as soon as he noticed her. Her heart wrenched painfully. She knew that even if Scorpius had told him that he would have to act like he didn't know, but he seemed so unfeeling as he stared at the old sinks, that she felt like she'd been slapped.

"We'll give Mr. Done a few more minutes to show up," Professor McGonagall said to break the silence. The three champions nodded vaguely. Nicole wandered slowly and awkwardly towards Katrina. 

"Hey," she said a little uncomfortably. 

"Hey," Katrina returned, trying a friendly smile. Nicole smiled a little too. 

"Can I be honest? I'm pretty nervous," Nicole confessed. "Sandy's always been really into this kind of stuff, but.... I don't know I've always kind of preferred the more domestic magic styles. I don't think I'll do very well."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Katrina encouraged. "The cup wouldn't have picked you if you weren't worthy to be a champion. I mean, you didn't even put your name in and it picked you anyways. You must be pretty qualified."

"Thanks," Nicole said with a warm smile. "I know you don't have to do that, especially since we're competition and all. I really appreciate it."

"Any time," Katrina said. The more she talked with Nicole, the more at ease she felt. That is, until a few moments later. 

The Cursed Chronicles: Year 6Where stories live. Discover now