Chapter 24

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Katrina regretted agreeing to come as soon as she stepped into the room. The fat lady was swung open wide. Teenagers from all different houses were strewn on the couches. They were met with a Gryffindor seventh year at the painting.


"Slytherin," Albus responded. "So is my friend. These four behind me are Gryffindor, and she's a Ravenclaw." The Gryffindor boy raised his eyebrow.

"And the other four?"


"Only Hogwarts students allowed. Fizzleworth can enter, since she was a Hufflepuff, and was forced to leave under unfortunate circumstances, but the other three are Beauxbatons students. They can't enter." Albus turned and winked at James. He caught on.

"Come on, Liam," he said to the Gryffindor kid. He put his arm around Parisa, which made her blush. "Can't you let in my girlfriend and her friends?" Liam considered this.

"I guess as a favor to the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, I can admit his Beauxbatons girlfriend and her friends." He let them all into the room.

"Since when am I your girlfriend?" Parisa grinned as they walked through porthole. James still had his arm around her. He shrugged.

"Since now." He leaned in and kissed her. Katrina smiled.

There was loud music playing in the Gryffindor common room. As they entered, everyone turned and looked at Katrina and Albus. The room went quiet.

"Merlin," Katrina cursed under her breath. Suddenly, everyone started cheering and moving in on the two champions. Katrina slipped on her ring and grabbed Albus' hand. It was a long shot since she had never tried it before, but it worked. Albus disappeared with her. She guided him between the legs of some unsuspecting fourth years and  to the back of the room, which was now empty since everyone had moved towards the entrance to see Katrina and Albus.

Katrina pulled Albus behind a curtain and then pulled off the ring.

"Thanks, Kat," he said. "I owe you one."

"Actually you owe me a lot," Katrina pointed out.

"Probably, but who's counting?"

"You'd better hope I'm not." They could hear the other kids at the party express disappointment at their disappearance, but quickly go back to partying. Katrina could see their friends searching for them. They both noticed that Scorpius and Rose were avoiding each other.

"Do you know what's going on with them," Katrina asked Albus. Albus followed her gaze to Rose and Scorpius."

"I wish. I still have no idea, despite numerous efforts. He got a card from her at Christmas, but I never got out of him what it was about." Suddenly there was some cheering.

"10,9..." everyone shouted in unison. Guys put their arms around their girlfriends.

"8,7,6..." Katrina and Albus stood awkwardly.

"5,4..." Albus leaned in.

"3,2,1..." Everyone held their breath.

"HAPPY NEW YEARS!" The single people called as the others kissed their significant others. Albus kissed Katrina on the cheek, then disappeared. Katrina figured he probably had his invisibility cloak, so she wasn't too worried. She touched her cheek and smiled, before slipping on her ring so she could go find her friends and call it a night.

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