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  Erica and Boyd stopped.

  "Where are we?" Boyd panted.

  "I do not know. You would think getting back to a fucking castle should be easy." Erica replied. The sound of a twig snapping and a group of foreign scents stopped them. "More Hunters, I thought Argent promised to stop hunting!"

  "They are not Hunters." Boyd said as he stood protectively in front of Erica. Five people surrounded them, growling and with claws bared. Their eyes glowing red in the dark of night.

  "I have decided that things need to change." Allison said to her clan. Many of the Hunters were not blood related to her but were just as important. "If you wish to leave because you feel that you can not comply then I will not stop you. I have learned things, I have seen blue eyed Werewolves do good, I have seen that not all Hunters are as righteous and good as we believe. So I have decided that we need a new Code, a better one: Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent se protéger."

  "We protect those who cannot protect themselves." Chris translated proudly. It was silent but no one got up, they accepted their Code. "Well then I guess it is time to start packing."

  Dr. Deaton knelt down and touched the black blood that stained the pavement. He wore black pants with black boots, a black shirt, and leather jacket as well as black gloves. Not his usual attire.

  "So what now?" Ms. Morrell asked as she stood across from him. She was dressed in all black as well; black knee-high boots with her black jeans tucked into them, a black shirt, and a leather jacket.

  "Let the Argents deal with him." Dr. Deaton responded. "Meanwhile we will have to deal with your Alpha."

  "We? This is not your Pack anymore Alan, the Alpha is not a Hale by blood therefore you have no reason to be aiding them- you are not their Emissary." Ms. Morrell responded and crossed her arms over her chest.

  "He is a Hale by bite and you are still Deucalion's Emissary, do not forget that Marin. I brought you here to help train the boy so that I could follow our rules and focus on the Pack. Once he is ready then I will resign as their Emissary." Dr. Deaton said as he stood and put his hands in his jacket pockets.

  "He is not my Alpha. Don't worry Big Brother, I will help with the boy until he is ready." Marin said.

  "Any word from Braeden? She may have been hired to handle them." Dr. Deaton replied.

  "No, but do not worry I am keeping an eye out for her. She will be here though- once she finds out about her little sister." Marin answered as she followed her older brother down the street.

  "Why are we here?" Isaac asked as he walked up to his old house. Derek gestured to the front door were a symbol was carved in. It looked much like the Triskelion, the symbol the Hale Pack used so that other Packs would know it was them, but it was also very different. There was a triangle in the middle, a line came out from each corner of the triangle, the line then turned at an angle and continued straight before turning again and stopping. "What does it mean? Talia never taught me all the symbols."

  "It means another Pack is coming." Derek answered.

  "It does not mean just any Pack is coming, it means an Alpha Pack is coming." Peter corrected. "And they are not coming- they are already here."

  "We should have invited Danny and Jackson." Scott said as they stepped onto the lacrosse field.

  "I get enough of that Douche Wolf on a daily basis and it would be uneven with Danny." Stiles huffed.

  "What about Izzie?"

  "No, he would let you cheat! Plus he is with Sour Wolf and Psycho Wolf."

  "Did you have to give them those ridiculous nicknames?"

  "It suits them." Stiles responded.

  "It is strange how everything is so different now, how my life has changed since The Bite." Scott stated.

  "Well look at it like this: you have me." Stiles responded.

  "But I had you before- Izzie too."

  "And you still have us, it has not changed as much as you think. Now, no wolf powers."

  "Fine, fine." Scott agreed as he braced himself in the goal. Stiles placed a ball on the grass before swinging it into his net and letting it fly. Scott smirked and his eyes glowed faintly as he prepared to catch the ball.


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