Second Chance at First Line

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Scott and Isaac became close as years passed. Isaac was there every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday. Scott would always join Isaac when he passed by on his morning walk. He would babble about his day at school and his new friend Stiles Stilinski. The people in the kingdom seemed to like Isaac even more as he passed by everyday carrying the boy that sucked his thumb when he got tired and who somehow became friends with everyone he met. Maybe it was the big, puppy like, brown eyes or the innocent face or kind attitude that warmed everyone's heart.

Scott was five when Isaac no longer carried him. Scott had pouted and would either hold on to Isaac's hand, waist, or leg fairly tight. Isaac had found it quite amusing. Isaac sometimes came over and had a meal or put Scott down for a nap or to bed.

Scott was fifteen now and just getting home when he saw Isaac walking down the street.

"Izzie!" He called out as he ran to hug Isaac. Isaac laughed as he hugged Scott.

"Hello Pup. Have a good day today?" He responded. Scott bit his lip.

"Kind of. Stiles talked only half the day about Lydia Martin, which is a fine improvement, and Mom is working extra at the apothecary." Scott told Isaac as they walked.

"And you Little One? How are you fairing?"

"I think I am dumb." Scott answered truthfully as he dropped his head.

"And why would you think such a thing?"

"School is very hard. It takes me longer than everyone else and I often need help. I am really trying. I promise Iz I am, but I am still doing poorly." Scott explained.

"You are not dumb Scott. It just takes you longer, people learn at different paces. I am sure you will be fine." Isaac encouraged him. Scott looked up at the king and smiled. Scott was a few inches shorter than Isaac, he had to look up to meet Isaac's eyes. He was tan and taut with growing muscle. Isaac returned the smile.

"Afternoon your majesty, afternoon Scott." People greeted them with smiles. Isaac went from morning walks to afternoon walks so that Scott could walk with him. Scott seemed to have a crush on a new girl named Allison as she was all he talked about besides finally making first line on the school's lacrosse team.

"Now I am just like you Izzie!" Scott beamed. "I will be a star player just like you were too!" Isaac chuckled.

"I am sure you will Little One, in fact I bet you will be even better." He agreed.

After the walk Isaac went back to the castle for an important Pack Meeting. At the meeting sat the three other Hale family members, Boyd, Dr. Deaton, Erica, and Jackson.

"I have talked with some other Packs and what they say could bring great danger to the kingdom." Erica began. Erica had curly, blonde hair and blue eyes. She was very sensual, sarcastic, and sultry. She used her sex appeal to get information- or to mess with people. "Hunters are ignoring The Code. They're attacking anyone who is or has anything to do with werewolves."

"They can not just void The Code." Boyd said in his usual emotionless voice. Vernon Milton Boyd IV had black hair and brown eyes. He had dark skin and was one of Isaac's best fighters. He was also Erica's Mate. Dr. Alan Deaton was a veterinarian who used to be an Emissary (and still was) for The Hale Pack. He had dark skin and wise, brown eyes. Jackson was a bit of an ass sometimes and he had brown hair and brown eyes. He was a good person at heart though.

"Well they are. The servants are the only one's in danger beside ourselves." Cora said. She had long, brown hair and brown eyes. Isaac's eyes widen in fear.

"Isaac, you have been spending time with Scott McCall since he was a child. So have I as he is my intern. They might know." Deaton said calmly.

'Shit...' Isaac thought with worry.

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