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Scott slept regularly in Isaac's room for the next few weeks. Gerard was on a Werewolf Massacre. He killed any and every Werewolf- The Code: we hunt those who hunt others completely ignored. Gerard did not kill with guns or knives. No he used a sword- Scott had witnessed it first hand.

He was on patrol. Once he learned the basics and could get his wolf under control Scott took on any and every Werewolf task Isaac gave him. He was to run the perimeter of the kingdom looking for supernatural danger- or regular danger too. He had smelt the Werewolf first and stopped curiously. Then he smelt the Wolf's Bane and heard the shots. He ducked and hid behind a thick bush. He watched as the Werewolf emerged. It was a male. He looked to be no older than Erica (who was the youngest Werewolf in the Pack) with tan skin and black hair. He was running but then he fell to the ground shaking and howling in pain.

"Got to love electricity." A man spoke as several of them emerged from the trees. Two more Hunters strung the Werewolf up.

"Why are you doing this? I have not hurt anyone- I have not done anything wrong." The Werewolf spoke as he twitched.

"You exist." Gerard said as he stepped forward. "You are an abomination, a monster. You were not meant to walk on Earth." He unsheathed the shiny, silver sword. "You know a Werewolf can heal from Wolf's Bane poisoning if treated correctly, can heal from getting its head bashed in or neck snapped. It can not heal, however, from being cut in half or having its head severed. My son calls me old fashioned, but I am just making sure that when I kill you- you do not come back." Scott watched in horror and fear covering his mouth to muffle his scream as Gerard sliced through the Werewolf's abdomen. Gerard turned and left with the other Hunters in toe. Scott waited and then rushed forward to the other Werewolf.

"Wha-what do I do?" Scott asked as tears filled his eyes. The other Werewolf looked up at him with glassy, glowing green eyes. Isaac had explained this to Scott. There were different types of Werewolves: Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. An Alpha's eyes were red, a Beta's yellow, and an Omega's green. But there was another color. If a Werewolf were to kill an innocent his eyes would turn blue. There were three wolves in The Beacon Hills Pack that had blue eyes- Derek, Peter, and Jackson. This wolf had been telling the truth- he did not hurt anyone that did not deserve it.

"N-n-nothing." He choked out. "D-d-do n-n-not l-let the-them c-catch y-you."

"There has to be something- anything!" Scott begged. Scott watched the veins in his arms turn black as he tried to take the pain away like Peter taught him. The other Werewolf's heart stopped as he struggled for another breath. Blood leaked from his lips and is eyes stilled as the glow began to fade away. "No please! There has to be a way. Please!" Scott begged as he tried to revive the Werewolf, to heal him. His hands shook as he noticed all the blood and his heart sped up and his breathing became short and labored. He immediately thought of Isaac to calm down. He breathed in slowly and out slowly. He heard the sound of footsteps and hesitantly stood and ran towards the castle.

Isaac had faintly heard the gun shots and smelt the blood as Scott approached. He had started pacing heavily and worrying- all kinds of ideas of what was or had happened popped into his head. Scott walked into The Main Hall shaking, covered in blood, and pale as a sheet. Melissa and one of the servants named Irina crowded him. Scott snarled and backed away from them. He sat in a corner, breathing hard with his hands over his head, and screamed for Isaac; for his Alpha. Isaac pulled the two women away and knelt in front of Scott slowly.

"Scott? Sweetheart look at me." Isaac encouraged softly. The word 'Sweetheart' caught Scott off guard and his head snapped up. "Are you hurt?" Scott shook his head. Isaac searched his body to make sure and then smelled to double check. "Okay, that is good. Now I am going to take you upstairs, okay?" Scott nodded. Isaac picked up the scared boy and carried him up to Isaac's room. He sat Scott on the bed and got a towel and basin full of water from the bathroom and then a clean pair of clothes from Scott's room. "Lift." He instructed as he nudged Scott's arm. Scott raised his arms and Isaac pulled the bloody shirt off and threw it to the side. Clara would be by to pick up the laundry. Isaac scrubbed off every speck of blood and then scrubbed some more to get rid of the smell before putting the new shirt on Scott. He stood Scott up and stripped him of his pants and then put the new ones on him. He kissed the top of Scott's head and helped him into bed.

"You are coming in right?" Scott asked.

"Of course Pup." Isaac whispered as he crawled in and wrapped his arms around Scott. Scott had the panda, which he had named Pan, in a death grip. Isaac clutched Scott's hands. "It is okay, you are safe." He said soothingly.

"They were hunting him. They used some electrical device on him. He was twitching. Gerard called him a monster. He said our kind were not meant to be on Earth. He-he cut him in half with a sword and left him to die. He was just an Omega, an innocent Omega. His eyes were green. He looked no older than Erica. I tried-I tried to take the pain away and he-." Scott broke off with a sob. Isaac held him tightly.

"Have you ever heard of 'Survival of The Fittest'?" Isaac asked. Scott nodded. "This is what I think: I think that at one point in time people were dying, going extinct so The Moon Goddess Luna gave some of them the ability to turn into Werewolves. Half- man, half-wolf creatures, but really it was more of a human with wolf insticts and abilities. These people lived for a long time and if someone was dying and there was no other way to save them the Werewolves would bite them and that person would become a Werewolf as well. The Werewolves found Mates in each other and Humans and started having families. The children were born Werewolves, but they would shift at different times. Some shifting earlier than others, some not shifting all. As Werewolves started to thrive there were Humans who did not understand. These Humans believed the Werewolves were unsophisticated beasts that would kill them all during full moons so they found ways to hurt and kill the Werewolves and began hunting them. They would teach their children, but they soon found out young children could turn into Werewolves. So the heads of The Hunting Clans gathered and made The Code. It basically stated that they would hunt only those who hunted others meaning they would only kill Werewolves that have killed. Some clans did not agree, others were a lot more harsh with their killings but all followed The Code. Other Supernatural creatures appeared- some so evil you could not spare their lives- and The Hunting Clans had more game to hunt." Isaac explained.

"That makes sense, but why are you telling me this?" Scott asked his voice hoarse from crying.

"Because we are not monsters. Being able to turn into Werewolves is not our fault- Born Wolves do not get a choice. The Bite and ability to shift are survival techniques that our ancestors passed down to us. We are still human. We feel, we hurt, we die, we can be good. We are not monsters, people like Gerard and Kate Argent are." Isaac answered. "You are not a monster Scott." Scott did not answer. He pressed closer to Isaac, squeezed Pan, and closed his eyes. Isaac pressed a kiss on the back of Scott's neck and closed his eyes as well.

Thunder boomed and lightning strikes. Isaac sat up and waited for Scott to knock. Since the whole "Gerard Cutting a Werewolf In Half Incident" storms had reminded Scott's of the gun shots and Gerard's sword. Scott comes in seconds later shaking like a leaf.

"Izzie..." He started.

"I know Pup. Come on in." Isaac interrupted. Scott quickly got in, jumping slightly when the lightning flashed. Scott pulled the covers over his head and squeaked when he heard the thunder. Isaac laughed lightly and Scott snapped his teeth at Isaac and pouted.

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