Master Plan

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"What is happening to him?" Scott asked.

"I do not know, but I do not like it." Melissa answered. Matt's body began encasing itself in a strange clear, jelly-like cocoon.

"He is changing- Evolving. Talia talked about this. She and Laura could do it. For Werewolves you become an actual wolf. Not all can do it. It was one of the reasons other Alphas followed and allied themselves with Talia and the Alphas of the Hale Pack before her." Isaac informed them.

"So it is, like, going through metamorphosis or something? If the Kanima is a type of WereLizard thing or whatever I can only imagine what it looks like after Evolving." Scott said. "I do not like what I am imagining. What should we do?"

"Get him to Marin and Deaton, hopefully they know what to do." Isaac answered.

"They are Emissaries- they always know." Scott retorted. Suddenly Matt's body lurched upward and he bared his sharp, Kanima teeth. "Close the bag, close the bag, close the bag!" Melissa hurriedly began zipping the bag only for it to stop when Matt lurched again. "Mom!"

"It is stuck!" She snapped before finally zipping the bag shut. "Anything on Stiles?" She asked as she tried to slow her beating heart.

  "Nothing yet, they are still looking. Whatever happened Gerard is behind it, I just hope that he is okay." Scott answered. The bag suddenly jerked and all three of them step back hastily.

  "Get him- it- whatever the hell that thing is out of here!?" Melissa shrieked.

  Stiles threw his hands out to break his fall as Gerard threw him into the basement. He noticed two pairs of feet in front of him and looked up to see Erica and Boyd watching him, their mouths tapped over.

  "Hey, what the hell do you think you are doing?" He demanded as he got up. "Let us go!"

  "You are not exactly in a position to be making demands Mister Stilinski, I suggest you be quiet and stay in your place."

  "The fuck? What are you like ninty? I bet I could take your old shriveled up ass, you-." Stiles was cut off by a punch to the jaw. Erica and Boyd flinched as Gerard hit Stiles again and again and again...

"Why do we have to carry him to Deaton and Ms. Morrell?" Scott grumbled as he carried one end of the body bag.

"Scott-." Isaac started but stopped when a red SUV pulled up in front of them. He growled as Chris got out. "Argent, we do not have time for this."

"I want to help you. My father has...gotten to Allison. She is not obeying the Code and if she keeps on like this I fear she will get hurt." Chris responded.

"Fine then, open the trunk." Isaac instructed.

  Head Official Stilinski was leaving Stiles room when the boy limped in.

  "Stiles? Thank God!" Head Official Stilinski said as he hugged his son. Stiles winced but hugged back. "What happened? Who did this to you?" He demanded as he noticed the bruises and blood adorning his son's face.

  "It was just some guys from the other school, pissed about losing I guess." Stiles lied.

  "Give me names and faces Stiles, I will pistol whip their sorry asses!"

  "Dad, no! It is fine, I just- I just want to forget it all." Stiles protested. Head Official Stilinski relented reluctantly.

  "Fine, I have to go make sure the others know you are okay. I will call Lydia and have her, Jackson, and Danny come over." He said.

"Get him out of the trunk." Chris said as he parked the car and got out. Scott and Isaac went to get Matt's body. Derek came running towards them on all fours before flipping and landing in a crouch before them.

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