Keeping Tradition

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It is the day of the annual Beacon Hills Carnival. Allison went with her family while Lydia and Danny went with Stiles and Harley- keeping their distance from Jackson for a while. Head Official Stilinski took Melissa who had stopped accompanying Scott and Isaac when Scott turned thirteen. The rest of The Pack would also be there- taking turns patrolling the perimeter.

Isaac buys himself and Scott funnel cakes and Scott tears into his easily. As Isaac talks to one of his subjects Scott sneaks a bite of Isaac's funnel cake. Isaac turns back to Scott and then looks down at his funnel cake.

"Did you bite my funnel cake Pup?" He asked. Scott looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes and shook his head.

"No Izzie." He said. Isaac laughed.

"I would believe you..." He started. "If I didn't hear the skip in your heartbeat and you did not have powder all over your face." He finished as he wiped the side of Scott's mouth. "Such a messy eater, just like when you were little." Scott smiled brightly. They played a few games and then Scott spotted something that made him gasp.

"Izzie look!" He said as he pointed to a large wolf. Isaac smiled and nodded his head. "Please!" Scott begged. Isaac laughed.

"Okay Pup." He agreed. The game was simple. Use the hammer (which was pretty big and a little heavy) to hit the pressure pad. The weight would rise do to the force and the prize you win depended on how high the weight rose. Isaac stepped foreword confidently and picked up the hammer almost effortlessly. He brought it down hard and watched the weight rocket upwards and hit the bell at the top before dropping back down. People cheered and Isaac pointed to the wolf when the teller asked what prize he wanted. Like everyone expected Isaac turned to Scott and held the wolf out to him. Scott beamed and took it graciously before kissing Isaac's cheek. Isaac blushed lightly. Allison watched from where she stood with her family.

"Aww." A woman cooed. "They still do that?"

"They have been doing that since Scott was a baby. I doubt they'll ever stop." Another replied.

"They would make the cutest couple." A third stated. Allison frowned as the other two agreed. Scott was her boyfriend, not Isaac's!

"Ice cream your majesty?" A woman asked as Isaac and Scott passed.

"Evening Lara. How are you?" Isaac greeted as he grabbed two ice cream cones and handed one to Scott.

"Very well and you?" She replied.

"Things could be better." Isaac admitted.

"They could also be worse. How are you Scott?" Lara said.

"I am well, thank you." Scott responded.

"And your mother? Has she come tonight?" Lara questioned.

"She is doing good. She has been working extra what with all the animal attacks and so on. She's here with Head Official Stilinski." Scott answered.

"Oh?" Lara asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well tell her I said hello. Enjoy the rest of the Carnival."

"Okay. Bye Lara." They agreed as they begin walking away.

"Bye!" She called after them. They were passing the opening to the carnival when Scott heard the crying.

"Izzie?" He asked. "Do you hear that?" Isaac nodded. They followed the noise to find to little children. A boy and a girl. Scott knelt down in front of them. "Hi." He said softly.

"H-hello." They managed.

"My name is Scott, what is yours?"

"Melanie." The girl answered.

"Matthew." The boy answered. They were twins with unruly, black hair and grey eyes. They looked no younger than four.

"Where are your parents?" Scott asked.

"Gone." Matthew answered as Melanie handed Scott a piece of paper.

We do not want these things. We did not ask for their kind. We leave them in the hands and care of whoever finds them. Do with them what you wish, we do not care. Do not come looking for us, do not look for anything about us. Everything they own is with them.

Scott growled lowly. Who would do such a thing? He looked from the note to the children. He handed Isaac the note. Isaac growled and through it in the trash. What a terrible thing to write. He knelt in front of the children.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

"King." The two children answered. Isaac nodded.

"I am King Isaac. I want you to stay with me in the castle. Would you like that?" He spoke. The children nodded. Their eyes turned a glowing green and then yellow. Scott's eyes flashed yellow and Isaac starred in surprise.

'That makes sense.' He thought. 'Born Wolves or bitten at a young age.' He let his eyes flash red before picking up Matthew. Scott picked up Melanie and made a funny face at her. She laughed.

"Come on." Scott said. "The carnival awaits!" Isaac placed Matthew a top his shoulders and the boy giggled. They spoiled the children rotten.

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