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Scott kept his wolf under control while with Allison. They went out on dates a lot of the time and Scott did not have much time for anything else, but he never missed a walk with Isaac.

"You and Allison are getting serious." Isaac stated.

"Yeah I guess. She is really nice- I like her." Scott responded.

"That is good. Will you tell her?"

"I do not know. Maybe when we know each other better."

"Just be careful Pup. She is a Hunter's daughter and you made me a promise. Will you be taking her to the carnival?"


"It is okay if-." Isaac started.

"No Izzie, we go every year. I will take her to the End Of Year Dance at school." Scott interrupted. Isaac smiled and felt his heart flutter.

"Have you asked her yet? Or told her you were not taking her to the carnival?" Isaac asked.

"Not yet. Maybe she will go with Stiles or Lydia." Scott answered. "Or she will hate me and never want to see me again."

"She can not hate you Pup." Isaac laughed as he slung his arm around Scott's shoulders. "No one can hate you."

After the walk Scott met up with Allison at the edge of the woods.

"So, do you want to go the carnival with me?" Allison asked as she grabbed Scott's hand.

"I can not. I always go with Izzie." Scott answered. "But I will take you to the End Of Year Dance- if you want." Allison smiled.

"Definitely." She agreed. She did not understand why Scott cared so much for the king and it was starting to annoy her. Why did Scott care for him more than her? She put on a forced smiled and continued walking with her hand clasped tightly in Scott's.

"There is something off about that boy." Chris muttered.

"You are just saying that because you can not handle Ali being in love." Victoria teased.

"That too." Chris agreed. Victoria laughed.

"The boy is close to the king. He knows what he is." Gerard spoke.

"Do you think he is one as well?" Victoria asked.

"It is possible, we will have to check." Chris answered.

"And if he is? What then?" Victoria questioned.

"We kill him where he stands. Allison should not be punished by interacting with a mutt." Gerard said with no remorse in his eyes. "We kill any and all Werewolves- so says our Code."

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