Party Guessed

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"Dad, what are you doing?" Stiles asked as he entered his house. Head Official Stilinski sat at the kitchen table, the lights were off except one, and he held a glass of dark liquid in his hand. " cannot do this every time you have a crappy day." Stiles sighed as he came closer.

"You know I love you right?" His father questioned. "That everything I do is for you."

"Dad, you are drunk."

"People are dying, people are dying and I have not done a thing to stop it. That is supposed to be my job, to protect them, to protect you, to protect your mom. I am failing- miserably."

"Dad, there was nothing you could do."

"I miss her- Stiles, I miss your mom. God I miss her so much it hurts to breathe sometimes." Stiles watched his dad sadly.

"I know...I miss her too." He whispered. "Come on, you need to get to bad- you cannot work with a massive hangover."

"Danny said there is a book that could help us find out what the Creature is and maybe even what it wants." Scott said. "Is that true?"

"It it called a Beastiary." Cora answered. "Unfortunately our family's was destroyed in the fire."

"What about Deaton? He should know, right?" Scott asked.

"He only knows so much. Somethings are beyond his knowledge." Peter replied. "Deaton is realtively young as far as Emissaries go, he is still learning and being the kingdom's vet is delaying his studies."

"Well we are not entirely screwed." Isaac said. "There is one person who can get us a Beastiary, right Scott?"

"No, no. I am not dragging her into this." Scott protested.

"Get her to take it." Isaac ordered.

"What if she gets caught?" Scott asked.

"They will not kill her, we need that book Scott."

"Izzie this is-."

"Get her to take it, it is better she choose to work with us now. Should she raise her bow against any one of us I will not spare her."

"This is about the other day. Izzie this is not fair!"

"This has nothing to do with that. Life is not fair, do not sit here and tell me about what is and is not fair because you have lived your life on a fucking pedestal since I found you all those years ago." Scott huffed and snarled angrily. Isaac growled in return.

"Fine." Scott agreed reluctantly.

"I do not see what the big deal is. He is just trying to protect everyone." Danny said as he and Scott sat in Head Official Stilinski's office with Stiles.

"Yeah." Stiles agreed as he surfed the internet. "Oh my god..."

"What?" Scott asked.

"I knew I recognized them from somewhere." Stiles responded. "Listen to this: "Beacon Hills' Swim Team, the Beacon Hills Cyclones along with their coach Aaron Johnson, win Kingdom Championships against more than twenty schools for the fourth time in a row. Senior swimmers Bennett Boucher, Leveque Baudin, Daniel Early, Elizabeth Early, and Faith Gillian will be leaving the Cyclones this year. Junior team members Sean Long, his girlfriend Jessica Barlett, George Harrison, and Hanna Stevenson will lead the team and returning members now Sophomores Tucker Cornish, Johnathan Avila, Ivan Jogia, and Marie Pierce and current Freshmen Kara Simmons, Christina Avila, Nicholas Kelly, and Oscar Monroe." When I was at the auto shop I saw a picture of the mechanic in a Beacon Hills High jersey, it was the swim team's jersey."

"Who was he?" Danny asked. Stiles looked down at his computer screen.

"Tucker Cornish." Stiles answered. "The Creature killed him and the old swim coach Mr. Johnson."

"The man and woman attacked the other day were named Sean and Jessica." Scott added. Stiles began flipping through his dad's files.

"The movie store clerk's name is Johnathan Avila and the bus driver's Daniel Early." He read. "It is going after the old swim team."

"Is this their yearbook?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, why?" Stiles answered distractedly.

"I know those two." Scott said as he pointed to Bennett and Leveque's pictures. "They are Hunters, they were with the Argents the night Gerard killed that Omega."

"Stiles tell your dad to find the rest of the old team. Scott, you should probably tell the Pack about the connection." Danny said.

"I know you do not want to betray your family but-." Scott began.

"No, no. I will get it for you, I have actually been looking it for it but Grandpa said he was going to show it to me tonight." Allison interrupted. Scott smiled.

"You are the best." Scott said before kissing her. The bell rings and he sighed sadly. "You go out first." Allison nodded.

"I will see you at Lydia's party." She said before slipping out the door.

"How is it that she manages to throw a huge party when people are getting murdered left and right?" Scott asked as he and Stiles entered Lydia's home.

"It is Lydia we are talking about. She is the Party Queen." Stiles replied. "Oh look there she is. I will see you later."

"Stiles!" Scott called as Stiles moved into the crowd.

"Do not be so clingy, have some punch and go find Allison." Stiles responded. Scott sighed and made his way over to the punch bowl.

He is not quite sure what is happening. The World spinning and he cannot seem to stand on his own. He feels like he is drunk but he cannot be drunk, Werewolves do not get drunk. The party has gotten out of hand and Lydia has not done anything to stop it, she merely refills the punch bowl before disappearing again.

"Scott, Dude, we have a serious problem." Stiles said after he found Scott out on the patio. "Lydia is gone- oh my god, are you drunk?"

"Maybe a little, which is really crazy cause I cannot get drunk." Scott slurred.

"There is no alcohol in the punch, smell this." Stiles responded as he held a cup up to Scott's nose.

"Smells like Mistletoe." Scott said. Suddenly there is a large group of people crowding by the pool, a fight had broken out. Then there's a splash as people move to see the fight, someone fell in the pool.

"Help me! Help me!" It is Matt, struggling to stay afloat in the deep end of the pool. "I cannot swim! Please, help me." No one pays him any attention, no one helps him. Scott sobered up quickly and pulled Matt out before the other boy could drown.

"Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"I am fine." Matt snapped before getting up. There are sirens then, blaring outside and everyone begins a hasty retreat as Officials stop the party.

"Dad? What the hell are you doing here? This is so not cool!" Stiles complained.

"Lydia called, she asked if we could come break up the party." Head Official Stilinski replied.

"She is not even here." Danny stated. "She disappeared almost an hour, I went looking for her but I could not find her." Scott groaned.

"Not again! Jackson's gonna have a fit." He said. He turned and stopped dead in his tracks. Matt was in the middle street, practically seething, before crouching down and slowly shifting into the Creature and disappearing. "Oh God."

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