Wolf Moon

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It was pitch black outside as Scott walked through the woods following his best friend.

"Stiles, we should not be out here." He hissed for the hundredth time.

"Oh relax Scott. We will be home before anyone notices. Or are you worried about his royal highness finding out?" Stiles teased. Stiles was a few inches taller than Scott with buzz cut, brown hair and brown eyes. He was the son of The Head Official, John Stilinski. He got Scott and himself into lots of trouble and was very talkative and hyperactive. He tended to flail is arms when he was angry and was very sarcastic, but funny nonetheless. He was like a brother to Scott.

"I do not understand what you are implying. Izzie would be more upset with you than with me." Scott responded.

"Whatever, it is still not fair that you get to call him that." Stiles grumbled. Scott snickered at his friend's jealousy.

"Why are we out here anyways?" He asked.

"I heard my dad talking about animal attacks and how there might be a body out here." Stiles answered.

"Stiles what the hell? You dragged me out of my sleep, my sleep Stiles, to look for a dead body. Are you insane?!" Scott shouted. Stiles covered his friend's mouth.

"Shhh, do you hear that?" He asked. The sound of leaves crunching stopped and suddenly they were attacked from behind.

"Get Melissa and Scott!" Isaac ordered. The servants were sent to their rooms as the wolves began putting on armor. Suddenly Melissa and Head Official Stilinski entered The Main Hall.

"King Isaac, they are gone!" Melissa cried out.

"Who?" Peter asked as he tried to console her.

"S-Scott and Stiles. Their beds are empty." She answered. Isaac's eyes flashed red.

"Find them!" He ordered. The wolves growled in confirmation as they ran out the castle in various directions. Isaac stayed behind seeing as Melissa would not let him go.

Everything hurt, everything burned. Scott groaned. It seemed to be the only thing he could do. He could not move, could not talk.

"Scott?" He heard someone yell. It sounded like Stiles but he sounded far away, muffled. Everything was foggy and dark when Scott opened his eyes so he closed them again. "Help!" The person screamed. "SOMEBODY HELP!" There were more footsteps and voices. Scott's head hurt so bad, his brain was bounding out of his skull. He groaned again and tried to understand what the people were saying but heard nothing but fragments and muttering. He was picked up and groaned again as he was carried somewhere.

Isaac paced as he waited with Melissa and Head Official Stilinski. He heard a howl and smelt blood.

'No, no, no. Oh God, is he...?' Isaac did not finish his thought as the doors opened and Peter came running in holding a bloody Scott. Derek followed with Stiles in his arms.

"Scott!" Melissa wailed. Stiles eyes opened and as his father hugged him he winced.

"What happened?" Isaac demanded never taking his eyes off Scott. Peter placed Scott on the table and Dr. Deaton rushed forward to examine him. To see the extent of the damage.

"They-they came out of no where...and attacked us. They-they said it was a message...to the Alpha. They-they know where to find..." Stiles stopped.

"Find what? Stiles, find what?" Isaac snarled.

"Other loved ones." Stiles breathed before collapsing. Melissa tended to Stiles wounds as they were not as bad as Scott. Cora tore Scott's shirt open with her claws. Deaton looked at a several very deep gash on his chest and frowned.

"He will not make it." He managed to say. "He is going to die. He has bled out to much, his wounds are to great. He has broken bones and with all the blood he has lost he will not live long enough for the bones to heal. I can not help him."

"Please!" Melissa cried. "Do something!"

"Isaac, bite him." Peter suggested. Isaac shook his head as his throat constricted. His Little One would die.

"Please, bite him!" Melissa shouted. Isaac turned back to Scott. He brushed Scott's hair back and the boy's eyes opened.

"Izzie?" He asked.

"Hi Pup." Isaac replied.

"It hurts Izzie, make it stop." Scott begged. Isaac nodded.

"Okay, I will make it go away. I will, I promise." He croaked. His eyes turned red and his teeth elongated. He braced Scott against the table before biting into Scott's arm. Scott cried out in pain.

"Now we have to rebreak bones and set them so they heal properly." Deaton instructed. Isaac did not want to, he did not want to hear Scott in pain. Isaac and Jackson broke and set Scott's bones. Scott's screams filled the castle and broke Isaac's heart. After setting all his bones Scott passed out.

"Let us hope The Bite takes." Derek said in the silence.

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