King of Beacon

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Isaac Lahey had a troubled past. His father abused him until he was fifteen (that is the year his father was murdered). His mother and older brother had been dead for years- he had no one. Derek Hale, Prince of Beacon, found the dying boy and brought him to Talia Hale, Queen of Beacon (and Derek's mother) who gave Isaac the Bite.

As a young Beta wolf Isaac trained with Derek and his siblings under Peter Hale, Derek's uncle, and over the watchful eye of Talia. But as a teenager Derek fell in love with Kate Argent, a Hunter who used him and burned The Hale Castle to the ground. Almost everyone was killed. Isaac made it out with Cora, one of Derek's younger sisters, and a badly burned Peter. Many of the servants also made it out.

A few years later Derek and Laura returned from the kingdom of Albany after discovering that Isaac and Cora were alive and well. Laura was Alpha and Queen of Beacon, but she was murdered after the castle was rebuilt a year later by Kate Argent. Derek became Alpha and killed Kate, this sparked a war with the Argent family. He took over for two years before giving up his Alpha position to save Cora's life after she was poisoned with Mistletoe by a Hunter. Isaac became a True Alpha during that time as well and took over.

Isaac woke early in his over-sized bed. The sun had yet to rise as he ran a hand through his curly, brown hair and stood. Isaac was tall with pale skin and blue eyes. He was lanky but lean with muscle. He bathed and dressed before grabbing his cloak and leaving his room.

"Good morning your majesty." Servants greeted him as he passed. He sat at the dinning table where his Pack was gathered and eating.

"Good morning Isaac." Peter spoke. Peter didn't look more than thirty years old with brown hair and brown eyes, he was average height.

"Good morning Peter." Isaac responded as he ate. After eating and talking for a while Isaac left to go for a walk through the town. Little children ran up to hug him, young women flirted with him, and elders offered him gifts. Isaac was passing a house near the woods when he heard the crying. He walked as quickly as he could to the source. A young woman, though older than Isaac appeared, sat on the ground with a young child. She had long curly black hair and brown eyes. Isaac approached them slowly. "Miss?" He asked. They turned to him.

"K-King Isaac?" She replied through her tears. Isaac nodded as he sat next to her.

"What is wrong?" Isaac questioned.

"H-he is gone. He has left us. We have no where to go, h-how can he do this to us?" The woman cried.

"Mamá, no cry." The little boy pleaded. He had to be at least two. "Papi come back?" The woman shook her head.

"No, hijo. He's not coming back." She said. The boy looked hurt and confused as tears filled his eyes.

"Papi no come back?" He asked in disbelief. Isaac's heart broke as he heard the sadness in the boy's voice. "Papi!" The boy cried out as he looked around wildly. "Papi, Papi!" He repeated.

"Oh mijo, I am so sorry." The woman said as she grabbed her son into a hug.

"You have no home?" Isaac asked. The woman nodded. "Come with me, we will see what we can do." He said as stood and helped the woman up.

"Thank you, my king. But you need not do this, we could find somewhere to stay. I would wish not to impose upon you." The woman responded as the walked back to the town.

"You are not imposing. It is my job to see to my people and help those in need." Isaac said with a kind smile.

"You truly are King Isaac the Generous." She muttered.

Isaac spent the day helping the woman, who he soon found out was named Melissa, find a home. After they found a nice two story house he graciously watched the boy, whose name was Scott, while she went out to gather things they would need. Clothing, food, furniture, and much more.

"Izzie?" The little boy questioned. He seemed to like that more than the other formalities his mother told him. He sat in Isaac's lap out in the grass. Isaac's back was to a tree and his hands combed through the boy's black hair.

"Yes Little One?"

"Why Daddy leave? Did I do wrong?" Scott asked quietly.

"No Scotty, you have done nothing wrong. I do not know why he left." Isaac whispered soothingly as the boy began to cry.

"I did, I did! I tell Mommy he hurt me. He said no tell, but I did." Scott sobbed.

"Scott? Scott, what do you mean he hurt you? Did he hit you?" Scott nodded quickly. "Where?" Scott pointed to various parts of his body: His cheek, his jaw, his chest, and his stomach. Isaac felt appalled as he held the crying boy close. "I won't let anyone hurt you Pup, I promise."

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