Chapter 68: Absence

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"This power ..."

Looking at the turbulent waves on the sea, the shock in Ron's eyes faded away, and it was replaced by a sense of joy and accomplishment.

Third-level magic!

Finally, it has been unlocked!

The power displayed by this third-order magic exceeded his expectation, it was at least ten times stronger than the second-level magic. Even the second-level combination of wind and fire couldn't be compared with this Vortex Storm.

Such ability, Gumir wouldn't be able to stop, and neither any HQ rear admiral. Even HQ vice admiral's ability to resist it was still questionable!

One blow, hundreds of meters, the sky collapsed!

"I can finally...fight like a real magician."

Ron had a wide smile on his face.

Flying ability, defensive magic, were all needed before because he didn't have enough attack power to end any enemy with one strike, instant kill.

The close-ranged fights were a disgrace to all magicians!

Because of his lack of strength, Ron was forced into close combat. Like when facing Gumir, his strongest attack could only wound him lightly.

For a magician, what really mattered, was not defensive magic, nor his ability to escape, but it was the distance between him and his enemy, whether he could successfully release magic!


Shouldn't exist in the dictionary of any true magician opponent.

Powerful magic should cover at least a radius of 100 meters, and reach even a kilometer. The highest level of ancient magics could even destroy islands, countries, and continents with a single blow. There was no concept of escaping at all.

As long as the magic was released, it should be a one-shot strike. That's the real magician's characteristic!

"The release time... a little bit long."

Ron looked around and found that because of commotion he just made, he already attracted some marines' attraction. So, he left the coast to find another location. He flew away until the headquarters became looking like a tiny black spot.

The ruckus of the third-level magic was too much. It was no longer suitable to practice such ability near the marine HQ.

Floating over the sea, in the middle of nowhere, Ron began to exercise.

He gradually started to understand the characteristics of the Vortex Storm magic aspects.

With the aid of the elf wand and the elemental affinity, the cost of releasing a third-level magic was almost one-tenth of his total mental strength.

This consumption was considerably low in Ron's opinion. It was, after all, the third-degree magic was his current strongest attack, and even if it was consuming one-third of his mental power, it would be an acceptable thing.

One-tenth of his total mental strength was quite too much for Ron to say it was trivial, but at most average consumption. It shouldn't be considered as a hidden ace that could be brought out in tire situation. If it was one-tenth, even if the first blow didn't finish his opponent, a second one could be released!

Compared to second-level magic, the third-level magic was formed by nine runes instead of just three runes. It might seem logical to think that the complexity only tripled, but it was actually increased by ten times! That was due to the fact that controlling nine runes at once requires so much concentration.

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