Chapter 18: A boost of Strength

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After improving his proficiency in Fireball, Ron returned to the practice of runes fusion. He continued to try to fuse the two basic runes of wind magic.

After ten attempts, Ron was almost certain that the two basic runes of wind could indeed be fused.

Now that he found a way to move further with his studies, Ron was no more in a hurry to delve into derived runes. After all, it was too complicated to deal with this type of runes.

If three identical runes of the basic wind runes were to be successfully fused into a second-level of wind magic, it would be a great asset for Ron.

Because in that case, he would be able to postpone the research on the derivation of runes for a long time, until his spiritual attributes become higher, his thinking speed becomes faster, his mental strength gets boosted, and his recovery speed becomes quicker.

For the next few days, Ron kept practicing runes fusion.

After many failures, he finally managed to combine the two basic runes perfectly in the afternoon of the third day!


The perfectly combined two runes did not explode or disintegrate, but instantly extracted a mental power amount that could draw about two blades.

Immediately thereafter, three blue wind blades appeared in the air in front of Ron, each one of them was approximately the same length and size as an ordinary Wind Blade.


Three wind blades fell into the sea and instantly made three holes.

"Yoshh! Success!"

Ron looked at that scene, the joy he felt instantly dispelled the tiredness caused by the exhaustion of his mental energy and the excessive training.

Two runes combine to release three wind blades at a time!

Although it was not second-level magic, it was just an enhanced version of first-level magic, but it was undoubtedly much stronger than ordinary wind blades. The three wind blades could be released in a triangle shape, enough to limit his opponent's dodging chances.

And this enhanced version of multiple wind blades, without a doubt, could also be combined with Fireballs. Multiple fire blades could be released simultaneously!

If it hits its target, such ability was absolutely tremendous!

For instance, while facing Captain Crewe before, one attack using this new ability was more than enough for an instant kill, it was impossible to resist. It could even kill Crewe and the pirates under his command at the same time!

From wind blades to fire blades, to multiple wind blades and multiple fire blades, the power was almost doubled. Ron even thought that using such ability against Arlong, would pose a great threat to that fish-man!

With this move, although it wouldn't be that easy to conquer the entire East Blue, but in this part of the sea, it was the first time that Ron had the minimum required strength and abilities to act recklessly.

"Let's Dig up the treasure on the map first! Then let the hunt begin! We can go after those pirates who have bounties of millions..."

Ron clenched his fist, felt his soul surging, eager to fight, eager to release multiple fire blades, wipe the battlefield in an instant, and show the great power of mightiest magician in the world!

Was this cockiness?

No! It was the tremor of his soul! It was his excitement after reaching such a power level!

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