~Chapter 36~

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*Jordyn's Point of View*

I woke up to a nice breeze strolling through my window. Surprising how a nice breeze on a nice day is when you have to plan a slaughter. Honestly, in this world, it is anything to live and eat. 

And these people, well they aren't so innocent themselves, so it's not like killing innocents. 

I walked out of my room and directed myself into the church, where all of the plans and meetings occurred. I was running this one today. 

I was met with friendly faces as people piled up into the church. I stood at the top, with my hands on my hips. 

When I saw everyone was seated, I began my 'proposition'. 

"Alright, I am going to cut to the chase here. We have food. A lot of it. And we are getting weekly income from another community where I was before I was here called The Hilltop". I explained, with the faces and eyes looking at me. 

"Now in order to get all this food, we need to take care of another group. So instead of them getting the food, it is us". I explained as I heard nodes.

"I am looking for volunteers. And if you do volunteer, you have to be able to kill without any hesitation. Remember that these people already are bad, so it's not like killing innocents". I explained as Abraham rose. 

"I volunteer". He said as he rose. A bunch of other people rose as well. I rubbed my forehead as I pointed and picked the best for the mission. 

"Rosita. Carol. Maggie. Daryl. Glenn. Michonne. Gabriel. Heath. Rick. Tara. Aaron. Jesus. Abraham. Alex. And Sasha". I said as I pointed to them. 

"Also, I included". I said as I began to leave the church as the small group followed me into Rick's house. 

Daryl caught up with my fast pace and I already knew what he was going to say. 

"You can't stop me from this Daryl. And plus, I'm the planmaker, and I can't have this plan go south. I can kill. You know that. We need people who can kill for this". I explained as he nodded his head, biting his lip. 

I know he doesn't like this, but he can't stop me. He really can't. No matter how much he is trying to protect me, he cants. 

As we reach Rick's house, Carl gets the memo and leaves the house. Alex hands us a map and I easily navigate the 'Sanctuary'. 

"Alright. So in order to enter, they are going to want Gregorys head". I heard Alex said as the group looked to me. I had to think fast. 

"Good. Carl, Enid, and I will go later and find a walker's head". I explained as Rick nodded and smiled. 

I looked back down at the map. Alex also mentioned that they have two guards in the front. It was like a satellite building. 

After about a 45-minute examination, I concluded a plan. 

"Alright everyone, get here". I announced as the group gathered. 

I pointed to the map and explained everything to them. 

"Alright. Tara and Gabriel are going to take the west watch. If anyone moves, you shoot them". I explained as Gabriel gulped loudly and Tara nodded. I nodded in their direction. 

"Maggie and Carol will take the east watch. Same goes for you". I said as I looked at them. 

"Alright. Here's the plan. Jesus and Alex are going to approach the two guards with Gregory's head. Daryl and I will sneak behind them and slit their throats. After that, we go in through teams". I explained as they all nodded. I looked in Daryl's direction as I saw a nod. 

"Rosita and Aaron go in first. Scan the area. Do not use the guns unless they wake up and draw them on you. Until then, cut it to knives, and silent combat weapons. After Rosita and Aaron, Abraham and Sasha go in and take the west corner and the hallway for that. Daryl, Rick, Michonne, and I will take the east sector". I explained as I showed them on the map. 

"Glenn and Heath, take the south rooms. We should wrap it up quickly". I explained. 

"Well review it once more before we go in, and before we leave". I instructed as they all mumbled and left the house, leaving it only to be me and Rick. 

"You did well. Real good". He explained as he put his hand on my shoulder. I took it and patted it softly. 

I left the house in search of Carl and Enid but instead found Daryl. 

"Be careful out there". He said as he kissed my forehead to fast for me to react. I grinned and spoke. 

"Always am. Nine lives remember"? I joked around with him as I began my search for the kids. 


Authors Note: Hey guys! Tell me what you think. and thanks for all the reads!

Word coutn= 868 words

I'm sorry, this was a short chapter. Also, sorry about slow updates, I'm still in school lol 

Also, I think I'm not only addicted to The Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones, but also The Vampire Diaries now. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora