~Chapter 28~

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*Jordyn Point of View*

Five days. Five days since Daryl's world partially like shut down. Five days since the last attack. 

Five days since a loss. And I was feeling one come up soon.

 *Daryl's Point of View*

I hated being weak. Hell, I hate using tha' word. But sometimes, that's how I feel. When we lost Merle, and Sophia, that was it. I just shut down. 

And I became weak. But not today. Today, I can't be weak. Today is the day that the Govener and his people are coming. Coming for the war. Andrea told us that day this would happen. She tld us that their would be a war. She is right. There is one. 

Everyone is having hope that everything is going to be fine when it is not. Someone is going to die. People are going to die. Shit is going to happen. 

*Narrators Point of View*

The couple made their way, holding hands out to the courtyard where they separated, each to check up on different people. Daryl made his way to the engaged couple, Maggie and Glenn to discuss the plans. 

As for Jordyn, she made her way to the some of the last people she wanted to see go down. her best friends, Beth and Carl. 

"What's up pipsqeak"? She said jokingly, ruffuling Carl's hazulnut brown hair hiding behind his famous sheriff hat. He slapped her hand away and carried a bag over his shoulder acting mad and pissed. 

"I'm not a pipsqueak". He said confidently. Jordyn raised her arms up in surrender motion, obviously joking. 

"Woah there tiger, I was only joking". She said. Usually he would let out a scoff or chuckle when she said that but nothing came out of his mouth. He started to walk away. 

"What's wrong"? Jordyn asked as she pulled Carl so he could face her. 

He lets out a much needed sigh. "Dad said I cant fight with you guys. INstead, I am going to be stuck with Hershel and Gabbie in the getaway car". He said and looked down angirly. 

Jordyn put her hand on her best friends shoulder and bent down to his level. He was still a bit shorter than her. 

"Listen buddy, sometimes doing nothing is just as good as doing something". She said as she walked away, leaving Carl to finish packing and think about her wise words. 

Eventually, the small group of what everyone likes to call, 'The Couples', (Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, and Jordyn} started hopping over the plan once more. 

"Alright. Here we go". Jordyn said as with that pulled out a fine map up on the car lid. before she could speak, Rick and Michonne joined them along with Beth. 

"So, we will have Maggie and Beth up in separate watchtowers. Daryl, Carol, and Rick in the tombs leading them to Michonne, Glenn, and I who will be hiding in the cells". Jordyn said confidently. 

-skip 3 hours-...,

Everyone was in their positions. Everyone breathing heavily, nervous about the war about to come. They all had almost infinite rounds of ammo waiting to be used. They were ready to kill these sons of bitches. But no one more than Jordyn and Daryl. They are the group's most aggressive and revengeful characters. They are the ones who will be the last ones standing. 

They will be the last ones standing. 

As Maggie looked from her sniper's scope to get a larger point of view, she saw a car pull into the driveway. 

The Governors. 

She quietly radioed the group hiding in the tombs, including her sister in the watchtower adjacent from hers about the enemy approach. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Where stories live. Discover now