~Chapter 35~

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*Jordyn's Point of View*

It has been two weeks since I found out that I was pregnant. I and Daryl haven't talked or interacted at all. We didn't even look at each other when we had to go on runs. 

Today was the day when we go back to The Hilltop, grab Alex, the guy who knows the base around Negan's 'fortress', also known as the Sanctuary, and start making a plan. 

Rick wanted me to come up with the plan since we are partners in crime. And he also wanted me to arrange who was coming and not. And, Morgan found Carol which is great. 

So we started gearing up. Me, Rick, Carl (who has grown a lot), Tara, Abraham, Glenn, Rosita, and Daryl. We all hopped in the car. Me and Abraham in the front, driving, and joking with each other, as the rest were in the back. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see Jesus again. To be honest, I kind of miss him. 

We drove for about half an hour until we arrived.

"Let's get to it". Abraham said as I and him walked side by side together to one of my first homes: The Hilltop. 

"Jordyn"! I heard Jesus's voice calling. I found him and waved in his direction. 

"Jesus"! I called out as he ran to me and hugged me strongly. We embraced for a few seconds. After that, he led us into The Barrington House as him and Gregory introduced us to Alex.

I already knew who he was, so I decided to visit Dr.Carson. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew who hey belonged to. I trying to ignore them as I went inside the trailer. 

"Hey, Jordyn. Welcome back"! He announced with a welcoming smile. 

"Hey, Doc. Think you got time to squeeze me in"? I asked jokingly. He nodded as I followed him into the exam room. 

"Yeah, Jordyn what's up". He asked. The only reason I came to Hilltop was to see Jesus and to figure out this baby's gender. It has been maybe or at least 7 or 8 weeks since. I sighed as I looked down and rubbed my leg.

"I'm pregnant". I said as I looked at him. He flashed me a smile and nodded as he headed into a room and grabbed supplies.

 As he left, I turned my head right and was met with Daryl's ice-blue eyes. 

"What are you doing here Dixon". I said angrily. He gave me a sad look as he looked down and back up, meeting my gaze. 

"It ain't only yours. That's what you said"? He said as I rolled my eyes. 

Dr.Carson came out and looked at us both, nodding in Daryl's direction. 

"I got the stuff. Raise your shirt a little bit Jordyn". He said as I nodded and did so. 

And just like Rosita, he put this cold, sweet-ass smelling gel on my stomach and began moving a censor around it. Daryl shifted his weight and even smiled to himself as he heard every little heartbeat. 

"Wanna know its gender"? Carson asked as I nodded my head rapidly and shifted my weight. 

"Congrats, its a boy". He said as I grinned to myself. Daryl looked in my direction and smiled at me. I nodded in his direction as I asked Carson for pictures.

He happily printed some out as I took hold of them. I thanked him as I left the 'infirmary', Daryl on my tail.

I turned around to him and handed him a picture. He nodded and stared at it before opening his mouth to speak.

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Where stories live. Discover now