𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 13

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It was the next day, and we were gearing up to go inside the prison and check out the cell blocks. I turned my head over to Maggie, as she geared up.

"We've gotta be careful". She said, her southern accent bringing out. 

"Yeah. Alright, I'm done". I said as I fist-bumped her hand. I made my way to Daryl, as he geared up.

"Who else is coming"? I asked him. 

"Glenn, T, Rick, you, Maggie, and Beth". He answered. I was surprised when he said Beth's name. Mostly she would stick back with the rest of the group. 

"Alright. Imma go give her a little pep talk". I told him and walked up to Beth.

"Hey, Taylor Swift". I teased her. Her face looked as if she was scared, and I understood. I gripped her shoulders. 

"Listen. Everything in there, everything will be fine. You're gonna make it. I will. Maggie will. Glenn will. All of us. Just keep your eyes out, and don't wait for anything. If a walker is coming at you, at the head". I said as she nodded. Me and I never really talked, especially after she stabbed me after I talked her out of suicide. 

"Alright. Let's go"! Rick called out, as me and Beth made our way to the rest of the group. I did a soldier wave to Carl, as he did his back. That was the little thing we would do. He was 14 years old now. Everyone was a year older than they were a year ago. I'm 27. Daryl's 28. 

gabbie would be 24.

We stood in a circle, knives out in combat style, as Rick let out all the walkers in on us. I plunged my knife into every walker I saw while keeping an eye out for Beth, who was on my right. As we finished with the first round, a second round came our way. Except this time, they were armored walkers and soldiers.

Maggie wrestled with one and then plunged her knife into its throat, shoving it up to its head, as she let out a vicious cry. All of us stood and watched in amazement as we copied her and did the same thing. 

When the outside was clear, we made our way to the inside. I found my way to a cell block, as I checked it out. 

I poked my head back out, calling for the rest of the group. "There is an empty cell block down here you guys"! I called out as they came. Rick's eyes widened. 

He put his hand on my shoulder, and he nodded."Thank you Jordyn. If it wasn't for you persisting on me, we wouldn't have any of this". He said, as a sad smile appeared on his face, that I couldn't copy. I put my hand back on his hand that was on my shoulder.

"No problem. No let's go get the rest of the group". I insisted, making my way over to Beth.

"So, how do you feel"? I asked her.

"Alive". She responded with her sweet southern accent voice. I chuckled a bit at the statement. 

"How? Which kind of alive"? I asked her, wanting to know more. 

"Like, and adrenaline rush". She said, smiling. I nodded. 

"That's how you're supposed to feel. You can come with us tomorrow too if you want"? I suggested. She nodded her head rapidly, which I took as a yes. 

"Good". I answered her, at a loss for words. I walked beside Daryl as we told the group to come inside. I jogged my way over to Carl and Sophia, who were standing having a conversation.

"Your back"! Sophia exclaimed as she made her way over to me, and hugged me. 

"Nine lives remember"? I said as Carl shook my hand. I helped them carry all their things as we made our way inside our new 'home'. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt