~Chapter 33~

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*Daryl's Pint of View*

She came. She's back. My eyes couldn't believe it. But I meant what I said to her. Honestly, I did. Guess it's because I thought that I would never see her again. I knew she was alive, just didn't know where. 

But know, even with us being reunited with Jordyn, things still felt uneasy since Beth died. Everyone's been taking a toll on it, especially me and Maggie. I looked at Jordyn one last time before rolling out of bed, wearing my same black jeans and shirt. I kissed her forehead as I left into the bathroom to wash up.

*Jordyn's Point of View*

I and Daryl make our way outside, hand in hand, as I really intake the scents and beauty of this place. Yeah sure I'll miss Hilltop, but it's not like I won't ever see them again. 

"Hey, Daryl"? I asked him looking in his direction. 

"Yeah"? He answered back, keeping his eyes on the path. 

"Where does everyone else 'live'"? I asked him as he started walking a bit faster. He leads me up to a gorgeous fossil gray house that had a beautiful garden in the front. 

"This is Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Enid's place". He said. Enid? Who was she? 

"Hell's Enid"? I asked him. He turned his back on me as he pointed to a 15 or 14-year-old girl laughing and walking with Carl and Gabbie. 

Carl and she look cute together. "That's her". He said as I nodded my head. 

He leads me down further as he showed me some of their neighbor's houses. We came across one house that was also really pretty. it was a bit smaller than the others but gorgeous. 

"This is Carol, Sasha, and Tara's place". He said as I nodded my head. Carol, Sasha, and I were friends but I wasn't aware of who Tara was. 

He leads me down another wide road as we stooped at a beautiful house. 

"This here is Rosita, Abraham, and Eugene's place". He said as I didn't know any of them. 

We walked a bit further down as we saw another gorgeous house. 

"This is Glenn and Maggie's place". He said and I knew I would have to keep that in mind. 

Daryl pulled me away not only from the house but from my thoughts as he lead us down another path that's closer to the gates. He pointed to it and nodded.

 "That's the infirmary". He said. And for some weird reason, I wanted to check it out. 

"I wanna check it out". I said as he shook his head grabbing my hand. 

"Nah, we don't need to". He said. I wanted to joke with him since it's been so long. 

"Aww..-"I said making a pretend pouty face" Is Daryl scared of the doctor"? I asked jokingly. 

He shook his head at me stepped out to the steps leading to the infirmary. 

"I ain't scared of a doctor". He said chuckling. I shook my head and laughed. 

"Oh yeah"? I questioned as he kissed my lips lightly. I broke away, continuing my jokes. 

"Prove it". I said. He was hesitant to walk into the place but when we did, I realized there was a lot more here than I thought. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora