~Chapter 34~

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*6 weeks later* 

*Narrator's Point of View*

It was a sunny morning in Alexandria as Jordyn woke up in her surprisingly comfortable clothes. She still wasn't used to having her own place, especially with Daryl, but she loved it so far. 

Daryl as been gone a lot during the morning, afternoon, and evening, but always came home at night. Him and Aaron even managed to find Rick's old friend Morgan, who saved his life, twice. 

But something else happened. Something that wasn't good at all. Carol. 

Turns out that Carol left late last night, packed her bags, stole a car, and drove far away from here. Morgan promised that he would bring her back safely

That was a week ago. 

*Jordyn's Point of View*

I woke up again, with another stomach ache. It's been 6 weeks since it has started. I have been taking small doses of medicine to ensure that I want wasting all of it, but still using some on myself. 

I headed up to Maggie's place, as me and her usually got out for a walk this early. I walked up to her door as I knocked on it three times. She stepped out of the house ad I automatically puked down, right below her feet. 

She gasped and shrieked as she held my back as I waved her hand off. I stood up and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. 

"Stomach aches again"? She asked me concerned. I nodded my head as we began walking. 

"You should get it checked out". Maggie said. I shook my head. I was fine. 

"Nah, Im fine". I said as she caught up with me and shrugged my shoulder back.

"No your not Jordyn. I have known you for years and this isn't you. We are going to get you checked out if its the last thing that I do". Maggie insisted. And when Magge insists upon something, its best if you do it. 

"Fine. But I'm telling you, Im fine". I said as she led me to the infirmary. As we walked in, I saw Rosita, who she and I have become closer friends, and Abraham, same goes for him, sitting down as Rosita wiped blood of off Abrahams arm. 

"Dammit Abe, why the hell are you so clumsy"? I asked witha smirk on my face. 

"Ahhh, its nothing". He said calmy, chuckling a bit. 

"You literally almost die everyday". I say in an joking manner. 

"I dont give a monkeys left nut". He said with a smile. I look at him in confusion as Rosita nears me and Maggie. 

"Whats up with you guys"? She asked with her hands on her hips. I gave MAggie a look and presented my hands to her. 

"She's been having stomach aches for a month". Maggie explained. Rosita nooded as she motioned us to follow her. She led us into a room with a machine that has buttons and screens. 

"Have a seat". Rosita instructed me. 

"So, Densie told me that if someone if having a stomach ache is to do an ultrasound". She explained. I looked at her in confusion, as she explained more.

"Basically, she wants to make sure that the water isn't infected or the food. So that if it is, we would all be warned".She explained. I looked to her and nooded my head as I pulled my shirt up a tiny bit. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Where stories live. Discover now