𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 18

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Gladly, the group was somewhat back together. 

I was hanging out with Carl until Glenn and  Maggie ran up to me, urgency appearing on their faces. 

"What's wrong"? I questioned. They both looked at me and smiled. 

"Wanna come on a run with us"? Glenn asked, Maggie, nodding and smiling along. I took a long glance around the prison and nodded. 

"Yeah. Love to. Let me just go tell Daryl and Carl". I said to Maggie as I ran off to find them. I saw Carl chilling with Beth inside one of the cells. 

"Hey bud, I'm going on a run. Be back soon". I informed him. He looked at me and stood up. 

"Alright. Be safe, Devil with Wings". he said smiling. I ruffled his hair and called him his nickname. " Alright. You to my Valiant Knight". I said and nodded to Beth. I went up to Daryl's cell and saw him fiddling with one of his bows. 

"Hey. I'm going on a run, be back soon". I informed him as he came closer to me. "No". He said plainly. 

I gave him a look of death and got my words ready. "Screw you, I'm going. And you know that not some dumb old warnings gonna stop me". I said to him, as he rolled his eyes. 

Don't get me wrong, Daryl is the closest person I am to in this group, but he was very very protective. 

I walked out of the Prison with Maggie and Glenn by my side. We made our way in a beat-up 4 sedan and made our way into a known town. We were trying to find anything we could.

We made small talk on the way there, and once we pulled up, Maggie, and Glenn all hopped out, hoping to find something cool.

 Glenn opened the door, as I and Maggie cleared the front. Well, mostly me since Maggie was much in awe with the little ducks in the front. 

"Jordyn grab that duck". She asked me, smiling. I looked back at her, shoving my gun in my holster. I gave her a confused look, and she just ignored it. 

"Yes, that duck". She said as I picked it up. We spent about an hour 'shopping' and finding valuable shit that's WORTH taking. As we made our way back outside, I noticed a buff white guy in a wife-beater with a bayonet as a hand, and I knew immediately he was a threat., 

"Weapons down"! I demanded, gun in position. Once I said that Maggie and Glenn exited the store. The man started to near us, and Maggie and Glenndrew their weapons. The man was smiling and saying words that I was unable to make out. 

"Merle"? Glenn asked. As soon as he spoke the name, I knew this was Daryl's brother Merle. He talked very vaguely about him, and I didn't mind nor care. 

"Hey chinaman, tell me how my brother is doing? Is he still alive"? He asked concerningly. 

I looked at the man and raised my voice. "Your brother is fine"! I shouted as he nodded his head. 

"Hey, why don't you say you drive me back to wherever you call home and you let me meet him in person"? Merle asked, coming closer to us once more. I knew this was Daryl's brother and all, but from the looks of it, I couldn't trust him. 

"No, well bring him out here for you though"Maggie offered nicely. He shook his head, mumbling curse words. 

"No, you see, that won't work for me". He said, and he flew onto Glenn. Adrenaline began pumping, and I gripped onto Merle's back throwing very hard punches. 

"SON OF A BITCH"!He screamed through every one of my punches. Eventually, he threw me onto the floor, and once I got up, he had Maggie with a gun pressed to her head. 

a dead world || {daryl dixon} || (being changed and edited since 3/26/2022 ||Where stories live. Discover now