Wow... is that what our morning after is about to be? A talk about the house? No sweet nothings in each other's ears? No stolen kisses?  No round two... three?

"Yeah, everything's good. I just thought that we'd... ya know... after last night... just thought we'd talk or hang out or something."

Man, I was sounding like a straight bitch but I couldn't help it. I really wanted to wake up to his face and get some morning kisses and shit.

"Oh. Um... wow. Um... can we talk about this when I get back to the house?"

"I guess. I mean, I..."

"Aiight cool. Talk to ya later."

He hung up before I could respond. What the fuck? What is really going on? Aiight, he said he'd be back to the house. They've been gone for an hour. So... I figured another hour and he'd be home. Cool. Let me run to get something to eat, clean up my room, make a new playlist for our next go round. Bet. I can do that in an hour.

Three hours later... no Adrian. I'd sent him a couple of 'wyd' texts but no reply. I tried to do some reading for my classes but I couldn't concentrate. My room was spotless. I'd reorganized my shoes. Hung up my new caps and rearranged my old ones. Made notes for the upcoming pledge meeting. Hell, I even washed the sheets on Adrian's bed and made up his bed. I was starting to get on people's nerves by asking them if they'd heard from High Note. Another hour passed and nothing. I couldn't sit still but I didn't wanna leave in case he came back. I went outside to smoke a Black n' Mild. I only do that if I was stressed out. As I was sitting on the front steps, Gio's Expedition pulled in front of the house. Adrian got out of the backseat and my jaw hit the steps. Did he really leave the house dressed like that? He had on a pair of faded distressed jeans blue jeans that fit him way too good and the holes in the pants showed off way too much of his sexy ass legs. He paired it with an overly large muscle shirt layered over an A line shirt. His hair was pulled up into a high puff and a hair hand. I really wanted to take his hair down and run my fingers through it. He hadn't acknowledged me yet as he was too busy laughing and joking with Cne, D'Ovanay and Chris. Gio had opened the tail gate so that Adrian could grab some bags from the rear. I stood up and made my way over to the group.

"Sup, Sisko", Gio greeted.

We dapped up and I did the same to Chris. 

"Hello Cne and D. Glad yall made it home safely last night. Sorry about having to rush yall out of there."

"Oh, it's all good. As long as my baby was safe, I was good. Besides, I'd entertained the peasants long enough for the evening", D'Ovanay informed me.

I nodded at her and looked at High Note. He was giggling with Cne and she was gesturing towards me.

"You need help with your bags, Adrian?"

He finally looked at me and said, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though. Hey gang, it's been a fun day but I'm running on fumes. Didn't get much sleep last night. So, I'm going to go take a nap before dinner."

"Why didn't you get any sleep, Addi", Cne asked. "What were you doing?"

Chris mumbled, "More like who was he doing?"

Gio pushed him and said, "Man, get your messy ass in the car. Ladies, let's load up so I can get yall back to the queendom."

They gave hugs to Adrian and they all piled back into the car. Once they pulled off, I looked back at Adrian.

"So how was your day?"

He rolled his eyes and smirked, "Day was fine. Yours?"

"Didn't go as planned. Woke up by myself. Thought this sexy lil dude would've been in the bed with me so we could cuddle or some shit. Maybe spend the day together. I spent the day alone, bored."

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