"He just wanted some company." Saniya shrugs trying not to get her hopes up.

"Yeah, sure. And that's why he invited you to the cafeteria every day for the past week. Oh, and that's also why he's been way too close friends with your brother, lately." I roll my eyes at her.

"Who are you talking about? Bilal?" My brother asks and we're all surprised that he knew.

"How do you know?" Martina asks him and then we all turn to Aidah.

"I didn't say a word." She raises her hands up as if surrendering.

"I knew you girls were being too obvious." Saniya looks at me and Martina in annoyance.

"Wait, do you like him?" My brother asks her, surprised, "Damn, was that boy right?" My brother scratches the back of his head confused.

"What do you mean? Did he talk to you about me?" Saniya asks this time without hiding the excitement.

"Like a lot. That's all he talks about." My brother says and Saniya almost breaks our eardrums from her cheerful scream, "Is she that obsessed with him?" Ismail asks us and both me and Martina, nod, affirming.

"What did he tell you about me?" Saniya asks him.

"He asked me whether he should invest in you and I said, no, because I didn't think you'd be interested in him." My brother says and Saniya glares at him.

"Why in the world would you say that?" Saniya says and I have a feeling that if my brother didn't have the baby in front of him, she would've jumped on him.

"Well, I've known you since you were little and I never saw you interested in a guy. Plus, you guys barely knew each other." My brother shrugs as if nothing and Saniya rolls up her sleeves. That's not a good sign.

"Aidah, can you please take the baby from him? I need to have a physical conversation with your husband, here." She says making us all laugh, except my brother. He knows how crazy Saniya can be. After all, he used to babysit us when we were young.

"Okay, wait, you can't kill me just yet." My brother steps away at every step she takes closer to him.

"Give me a solid excuse, Mr Ruin Relationships."

"Well... If you kill me, you won't know what Bilal is talking about with your brother right now? Hint, it has to do with you." My brother says and Saniya immediately stops.

"If you're lying to me, you're more than dead." Saniya threatens, "You have two seconds to make me change my mind." She crosses her arms in front of her.

"But if I tell you, Bilal will kill me, instead." My brother says and Saniya does an "aww" sound while smiling childishly.

"How is, me dying, a cute thing?" My brother asks making us laugh.

"So he does get angry as well? I'd like to see him angry." Saniya keeps smiling childishly and my brother turns to us with a beyond confused expression. Saniya can be crazy sometimes but we had never seen her in love before. I guess that was the only thing left for us to see from her. "Anyways, I don't care. Tell me what Bilal is discussing with my brother." Saniya instructs and before my brother could say anything, we hear a voice,

"Come with me and I'll tell you myself," Bilal says coming out of nowhere. Saniya freezes in shock before finally gaining the courage to turn around and face him.

"Alhamdulilah. Bilal, you couldn't have come in a better time." Ismail says and Bilal forms a smile. "My life was at stake here."

"It's okay, It wasn't a secret in the first place," Bilal says without taking his eyes off Saniya's, which I find really cute.

"It wasn't?" Saniya asks him and he just gives her a smile.

"Come with me. It won't take long." Bilal tells her but I'm sure Saniya is wishing it would take long instead. The more time with him, the better.

Saniya turns to me and Martina and we give her a teasing smile. She ignores our eyes on her and proceeds to walk ahead with Bilal.

"Now that she's gone, you can tell us. What is it that he's going to tell her?" Martina asks my brother and we both surround him as if ready to hear some gossip.

"Y'all are worse than flies during the summer." My brother says and we glare at him but he only holds Malik's car seat back up again and leaves towards Junaid's room.

"It's not that easy. He promised to keep it a secret so he will." Aidah tells us noticing our disappointed expressions. "I work with men so, believe me, I know what I'm talking about." She gives us a smile before entering Junaid's room as well.

I sigh before going in with Martina. Junaid is already fully dressed and he's sitting down on an armchair in front of a desk while typing on a laptop.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is," I say as I come closer to the desk.

"Um, I'm afraid it is. He's doing work, as always." Martina tells me and I step closer, shutting the laptop straight after and only then he notices me.

"What was that for?" Junaid looks at me.

"You're supposed to be recovering, not doing work. Marcus said he'd take care of it... And where did you even get this laptop from? I told everyone not to let you work."

"Oh, so you were the one." He shakes his head in disbelief and I watch as the others try to contain their laughter. I've literally been going around like a madwoman and telling everybody not to let him do any work-related activities. "I asked Nicole to bring it. I just need to confirm some transactions and I won't touch it for the rest of the day." He says and tries to open it again but I take the laptop from the desk.

"When did Nicole come here?" I ask because ever since I was kidnapped, I never saw her. Not even when Junaid was hospitalised.


"I've been calling her but she hasn't been picking up my calls."

"She's been coming here all week. How come you didn't see her?" He asks giving up on trying to get the laptop back, he knows how hard it is to change my mind.

"What do you mean, all week?" I ask in confusion.

"I might be seeing ghosts then." He shrugs but I know that he's well aware of what's going on.

"Why did she avoid me?" I leave the laptop on top of the desk and grab my phone to call Nicole but as expected she didn't answer.

"Anyways, I think we all know that I'm fine now. No need to wait for the results." Junaid gets up and grabs his bag, placing the laptop inside.

"But doctor Malik said you needed to stay," Martina states the obvious and my brother shakes his head as if knowing what Junaid was planning.

"I can handle him with ease," Junaid smirks and leaves the room.

"What is he going to do?" Aidah asks and I shrug.

"Born a bad boy, always a bad boy." My brother says looking towards the door and we all face him, "Let's go, we'll meet him at the exit." He grabs the baby's car seat and leaves the room.

Dark Secrets ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz