Chapter 16: The Lunatic

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Monday, 12 P.M, Olderdale, Troms county, Norway.

Olderdalen is located in the Olderdalen valley along the Kåfjorden with a view of the Lyngen Alps. It was autumn and there in the north of Norway, there was dark most of the day. The sky was cloudy but not rainy. 

Susan, Angi, Zaytsev, and Bishop were in a white Volvo. The man who had taken that video from faked Zaytsev, was Lucas Bradt. He was 32 and he was one of those extroverted people who had found out to have Anthropophobia (the fear of people phobia) when he was 14 and currently he was living somewhere near Olderdalen. Seemingly he was doing little things through the internet for a living. He had a blog and it was full of conspiracy theories and signs of aliens. Luckily for him, his blog didn't have so many visitors or the secret group had found and killed him by then. Harris had blocked his blog so no one other than Bradt himself couldn't see it.

Suddenly, Bishop pulled over and stopped the car at the entrance of a byroad which was going into a valley. The dirt road was covered in leaves. A black Jeep had been parked there. As the passengers went out of the car, a woman stepped out of the Jeep as well. She has auburn curly hair which reached to her mid-waist. her white face with two black eyes has been beautifully framed with her red hair. She had worn black jeans and a cream coat. "Ma'am. Guys." Said the woman to the others.

"Sarah!" greeted Susan and the two women shook hands. "What's the news."

"Well, this guy is really a pain in the neck." Groaned Sarah. "He's definitely that kind of people who always have conspiracy phobias. God, you should see the traps he has set around his house. He is mad. I'm telling you this." She said.

"It seems we should be grateful. For he with his conspiracy theories has saved the world." Said Susan. "Where is Lee?" 

"watching over the lunatic. As you said, we didn't let him see us, but it was so hard. He is so sly." 

"Alright, let's pay him a visit." Said Susan and Sarah nodded. 

"Follow me. Thanks to heavens we can go to his house with our cars." She said and then jumped to her car. 

Soon they take the byroad to see the man with conspiracy issues.


They met Lee in the forest by the entrance of another by-road. He was a tall American-Chinese man with crew-cut black hair. He was all in black and it was hard to see him in the darkness around. 

It was completely dark and cold. The mist had risen in the forest. "His house is a little further down the hill." Said Lee through Susan's open window. "He is currently in the house with his dog. I have cleared the road from his traps." 

"This Mr. Bradt is interesting. Let's go and see him." Said Susan. Lee nodded and happily almost ran and get into Sarah's car to become warm.

After a few minutes of driving in the second byroad, they could see a few lights between trees through the mist. "Sarah," said Susan through her earphone. "Turn off your lights. We don't want to scare him." 

"Yes, Ma'am." Answered Sarah and both cars turned off the lights and continue in darkness. They stopped a few meters away from the house and get off the cars. "Lee, Sarah, to the back door." Said Susan in a low voice. 

The two nodded and quickly went and disappeared behind the house. It was a one-floor small wooden cot in fact. The thick curtains had been covered the windows and had blocked most of the light of the house. Susan stepped on the stair in front of the front door and knocked.

 Zaytsev, Bishop, and Angi stood on the ground on each side of her. The sound of TV which could be heard a few seconds before turned off suddenly. After a moment, Susan saw one of the curtains moved a bit. 

"I don't think he will open the door. Bishop." Said Susan and stepped down the stairs so Bishop could take her place on the tiny stairs. 

Suddenly, they heard screaming and screeches from inside. Bishop easily opened the door and they all rushed inside quickly. There, they encounter a funny scene. 

A plump and short man with a light green jacket, blue jeans, and white earflap knit hat with two tassels was almost hovered in the air, for Lee had held him from his collar. He was aimlessly fighting and hitting the air with tightly closed eyes. His little dog was biting Lee's thick trouser leg and Sarah was trying hard to detach it. 

"Let me go, you monster." Screeched Bradt and tried harder. 

"It's better you calm down, Mr. Bradt." Said Susan loud and collected. "Or should have you tied up to your chair." 

Bradt stopped wiggling. 

"You little bastard." whined Sarah unable to detach the dog. Susan walked over to her and bent down. 

"Please don't hurt Poppy." Pleaded Bradt with a funny voice that was hardly audible. Susan raised her head and looked at his miserable and worried face and hardly hid her smile. "I don't eat dogs for dinner, honey." She said and then pressed a point on Poppy's neck. Immediately, Poppy released Lee and laid on his back happily and Susan began to tickle its soft belly. "good boy." She said and Poppy began to lick her hand. 

"little traitor." Groaned Bradt under his breath unsatisfied with his dog.

Susan stood straight. "Alright, Bradt." She said seriously. "We are here to ask you a few questions and you will answer us." She then motioned for Lee to put him on a sofa and she sat on another herself.

"I have my rights. You can't come to my house and torture me." Said Bradt angrily while Lee partly tossed him to the sofa. 

"You must be grateful, you idiot. If it was not because of us, you were somewhere out under a thick layer of frozen soil now." Said Lee angrily in response and checked his leg. 

Bradt looked at him scared and shivered. "Lee!" said Susan to calm him and just then Poppy jumped on her lap and curled his body. Susan smiled at the little thing and caressed its soft mane. "Now listen well to me, Lucas." Said Susan seriously and peered into Bradt's eyes. "you have engaged yourself in some matters that are so dangerous. If we had not seen your post yesterday, those guys whom you've taken their video could have probably found and killed you. I wish you understand we are here only to help you. Just answer my question and we will leave here. Of course, we will leave a few people around to make sure of your safety."Susan stopped for a moment to let Bradt digest what she had told him. 

"So I was right." Said Bradt after a moment. His tone was low as he started but as he went on and became more excited he talked louder. "The US government had found a dangerous alien power stone and some people have stolen a part of it and you are here to take it back. Area 51. God, I'm dying." He said the last part while shivering from excitement. Suddenly his smile faded and he became serious. "I know. You will take the information you want and then when I had not any other use for you, you will kill me ruthlessly and then people will find my frozen body in the lake tomorrow and everyone will say, poor Lucas. He finally finished his miserable life. No, I won't cooperate with you. I prefer to die without telling you anything." 

Everyone in the room sighed. This guy was really a pain. "Mr. Bradt, please understand that this is not a movie." explained Susan like she was talking with a five years old kid. "we are not from the US government. No alien things are in this matter and you know," she paused and smirked devilishly. "Dying can be painful and you won't get alive again like the games."

Bradt gulped frightened. "Alright, kid." Asked Bishop obviously tired of this conversation. "Where did you take that video?" Bradt didn't answer. Instead, he put one of his hat's tassels in his mouth and chew it and looked at Bishop frightened. Bishop rolled his eyes and looked at Susan. "I'm sorry. But sometimes a little violence is needed." He said and pulled out his gun and aimed it at Bradt who raised his hands quickly. "I have a map. I should show you on the map." He cried scared.

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