Chapter 8: A ghost

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Saturday, 2 A.M, GSS main base, Seven oaks, England

The GSS jet landed swiftly on the landing area. The back door opened and Susan walked out. She went directly to the Harris Throne. He had named it himself. A giant leather chair surrounded by multiple screens and keyboards. There, was John Harris's realm where he was leading all of GSS technological affairs. 

"Sergio Morales." Shouted Harris from behind the screens. Just in front of his throne, a circular low-height platform existed. A glass screen was floating in the air in the middle of the platform. As Harris said the name a few images appeared on the screen alongside a sidebar full of target's information. 

Susan walked up to the platform via a few stairs. "He is a dentist." Said Harris who walked and stood near Susan with folded arms. "What a time we live in. You can't even trust your dentist. What happened for Herald?" 

"He didn't have any other use for us. We cleared his and his assistance's memories for the past 30 minutes before we go in. He is now in the prison of Algeria for drug smuggling. We couldn't risk his superiors find out we know anything." Said Susan while searching through the images. A few of them were showing a little group of Algerian men, following a little man in a port. 

"For your information, this little man is not our dentist. He is his clerk." Said Harris and then brought an image in the center and zoom in. "This, is Sergio Morales." He said. "Everything seemed legal about this man. No criminal record. He had an ordinary life until three months ago when He suddenly deposited a large amount of money into his account. Here are his account's records. He had the same deposits in the last two months."

In three months, Sergio Morales had deposited five hundred thousand Euros into his account which was odd. "He has a mansion in Santa Cruz. And no further news is from those poor Algerians. They could have been sent off of the Islands to somewhere else." Said Harris.

Susan nodded. "Sent a spy team to his mansion. I want Everything they can grab. Can you hack his PC through the network?" asked Susan.

Harris nodded. "Yes, but still he can use hard disks to keep his information." Said Harris and then looked at Susan's thoughtful face. He grabbed her shoulder and forced her to face her. "What's up, Sus?" he asked.

Susan sighed. "Do you remember that man who attacked Piere and Cavalli? The man I killed him at last." She asked.

"Yes, I do." Said Harris and frowned. 

"We didn't found his body." Said Susan and tapped on the screen. All of the information on the screen minimized and went to a corner. She then opened a video from a security camera. It was her fight with that man. He was a giant muscular man with black skin. "I hardly defeated him." said Susan calmly as they watched the fight. "There was an odd light in his eyes. You know, very odd. He was like a wild tiger but it seemed there was a pleading soul behind that facade, begging for help." She said and turned to Harris. "It was like the one who was fighting was not the one inside." 

"like a programmed mind?" asked Harris. "Something like that." Said Susan and turned to the screen again. "His abilities were so high. His mind was working like a computer." She said and then peered into the screen. "but that was not so odd for me until I didn't find his body among the dead. It was like he had vanished."

"So this was the thing that had been set your mind off after the mission." Said Harris and Susan nodded.

"Actually, I was searching for any sign of him in the records. It was then that I saw that man." Said Susan.

"Vasily Zaytsev." Said Harris calmly. Susan frowned and turned to him sharply. "What?" she asked. 

"Yes," said Harris. "He is alive. It seems that he has managed to go off the grid since five years ago. I enhanced the quality of the image you've gotten me and there is no doubt."

Vasily Zaytsev was a sniper and professional assession. Many people and organizations had hired him for short periods. He was a legend and a ghost. A shadow that came without any sound and leave without any sign after his successful missions. 

Five years ago, during destroying a man who wanted to propagate a chemical illness in the globe, Susan had followed him and he had fallen from a rock with a bullet in his heart. His body has never been found. 

"But before we go any further into Zaytsev's document, answer something." Said Harris and attract Susan's attention. "You think that someone tries to make something like, I don't know, super soldiers?" 

"I'm not sure of anything. but I'm somehow sure that these," said Susan and tapped on the screen, "have some kind of connection and we should find out how." Said Susan and then grabbed her head with both hands and whined. She had a horrible headache. She felt a hand on her shoulder and raised her head. 

Harris was looking at her sympathetically. "How long you've not slept?" he asked. 

"48 hours. I think." Said Susan unsure. "Go and rest till morning, Sus. Give that great mind a few hours of peace." said Harris kindly. "Tomorrow we will see what to do. I think it's better if I call Tom and ..." Susan cut his words. "No." she said. "Let him be with his family a little bit more. We can collect a little bit of information without him." Harris nodded. 

"Alright," said Susan. "I think it's better I go and sleep a few hours. Tell someone to bring Morphine ..." Harris cut her off. "No Morphine anymore. You are becoming an addict. I will send a soother."

Susan sighed. "Whatever you say. Just quickly." She said and then walked away. "Sometimes I wonder who is the boss here." She nagged while leaving. Harris smiled but as he watched her walking away he frowned. Lines of worry formed on his forehead. "She will get herself killed one of these days." He whispered.

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