Chapter 13: First real step

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Saturday, 8 P.M, Minsk, Belarus

Susan had leaned her head on the headrest of the passenger seat, watching the people and buildings passing through the window covered by raindrops. 

Zaytsev was driving the car. The only sounds were the engine and wipers trying hard to clean the front window. They were going to Parkinson's hideout.

"Can I ask you a question?" asked Susan and turned her head to the silent Russian beside her. 

"You will ask it anyway. So do it." he answered.

"Why did you suddenly offer to help us?" asked Susan.

"Because of my wife." Answered Zaytsev. "Whether you believe it or not, I truly love her. She changed my life in ways that I couldn't imagine. I was off the grid for years, living my peaceful life with a woman I love. Now, someone has theft my identity, pretending to be me. He can bring me back to the top of the list of wanted people of Interpol and destroys my life. But more important, this can put Daira's life in danger. His enemies can easily mistake him for me and can harm Daira as revenge." He said and then brought the car to a full stop behind the traffic light.

"I understand." Said Susan and looked out of her window again. Zaytsev looked at her amused. He didn't expect her to act like this toward him. All of her captains were suspicious of him and they were right, but Susan acted differently like he was not a criminal. "You know," he said and attracted Susan's attention. "You surprise me, Agent Grays. No one behaves like you do with their old enemies. I always imagined that you would kill me the second you see me."

Susan smiled weakly and looked away again. "firstly, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Secondly, your wife said that you've changed and I'm sure you did, so I want to give you a little chance to make amends." She said.

Zaytsev looked at her tired face. In the low light of the streets, he could see the lines of worry and too much burden on her brows. She was so young but instead of enjoying her youth like the others, she had chosen to fight with those like him to bring peace for those like his wife. "Thank you, Agent Grays." He said and Susan gazed at him surprised. "for fighting for peace." The light turned green and Zaytsev drove again.

"You really have changed, Zaytsev. and something else," Said Susan and looked outside again. "Don't call me Agent. It gives me a bad feeling."

Zaytsev smiled. Working with this little boss was not that bad and hard.


Half an hour later, Zaytsev parked the car in front of a Chinese restaurant. Together with Susan, they went inside the restaurant and toward the counter. 

A Chinese girl with long straight black hair and a long red dress welcomed them. "欢迎 (welcome)" she said with a large smile and then continued in Russian. "как я могу тебе помочь? (how can I help you?)"

"Я хочу увидеть Эндрю Паркинсона. (I want to see Andrew Parkinson.)" said Zaytsev with grime face and low voice.

The waitress's smile fell a bit but she collected herself soon. "Простите, сэр. (I'm sorry, sir.)" she said. "у нас нет никого с таким именем здесь. (we have no one with that name here.)"

"скажи ему, что Зайцев здесь и хочет тебя видеть. (tell him that Zaytsev is here and wants to see him.)" said Zaytsev firmly without breaking the eye contact. 

The waitress gulped and was silent for a few seconds. "Дай мне посмотреть, что я могу сделать для тебя. (Let me see what I can do for you.)" she said and then left there through a door behind the counter.

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