Chapter 4: Sir Ian Martin

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11 P.M, Martin mansion, Isle of Sheppey, England

Sir Martin climbed the long staircase to the second floor. He was taking steps slowly. The pain in his knees was killing him. Why his bedroom should be on the second floor? He had to do something about that damn staircase. He stopped in the middle of the way to take a breath. 

His departed wife's picture was hanging on the wall next to him and looking at him with her beautiful smile. She was an angel. Only god knows how much he wanted to be with her and take her hands once more and hear her soothing voice whispering beautiful things next to his ear. 

She was the one who would cry anytime she saw people suffering from war, disease, hunger, and so on. She had always urged him to clean the filth from this world as much as possible and he had done as much as he could do but he had never achieved a great result and was always embarrassed in front of her although she always was telling him that she was proud of him and that she knew how much it was hard to make a difference. 

He touched her face in the cold picture with the back of his hand. "I'm sorry, Isabell." He said sadly. "You don't know who much I want to be with you. I'm tired of this foul world." He then sighed and then continued to climb. 

After a while, he was in front of his room. He opened the door and went inside. His mind was too occupied with the thoughts of his wife that he didn't notice the changes at first until he closed the door and turned to the room. 

The lights were all off. His servant would leave a few lights on. The door of the balcony was open and the cold breeze was moving the long silk curtains. 

"Good Evening, Sir." Said a calm feminine voice and he turned to his left sharply. 

There, next to a sofa in front of the empty fireplace had stood a shadow. "Who are you?" said Martin lowly. He didn't want to provoke the invader but in fact, if she had come to kill him he would have welcomed it. 

The shadow walked closer and the faint silver rays of the moon fell over her slim body. Martin's eyes grew wide. "You are Mycroft Holmes' ..." he tried to say but the woman cut him off. "Yes, sir. I'm Susan Grays and I'm here to talk to you." she said.

"My house has strong security." Said Martin strictly. Now that he had seen her he had relaxed a bit. She was not that kind of person. 

"Well, not strong enough for those like me. you should be more careful." said Susan and then pointed to the sofas. "Shall we?" she said.

"It's not official hours and I wanted to go to bed. I can call the police." Said Martin.

Susan smiled. "So I should apologize for keeping you awake a little bit more." She said and then become serious. "It's a very important matter and I should have seen you secretly."

Martin sighed and went and sat on the sofa. Something in her eyes convinced him that it was an important matter. "I hope it worth it, young lady. But first, turn on that light. The key is there." He said and pointed to a key next to the library.

"It does, sir. I assure you." said Susan. 


20 minutes later ...

Martin was staring at a point on the carpet. The teenager who had sat in front of him had told him very interesting things and there was an odd aura around her that had made Martin to not underestimate her at all. He knew very well that she was the smartest person in the world. Her plan seemed great. 

"Well, what do you say, Sir? Are you supporting us?" asked Susan and brought him out of his thoughts. Martin raised his head and peered into her eyes for a moment and see what she wanted. 

"How old are you, Grays?" he asked. Susan rolled her eyes. "Uh. That question again." she murmured. "No, please don't take me wrong." Said Martin and moved in his seat. "I'm just curious to know how old is the girl that have these ambitious thoughts. Forgive this old man for his silly question."

Susan looked at him uneasily but then sighed. "I've just turned seventeen yesterday." She said. 

Martin chuckled. "You are strange, Miss. Grays." He said. "When I was at your age all of my concerns were how to deal with my girlfriend or how to go to college."

"Let's not go far from our subject. I don't have so much time. The meeting of the council is tomorrow. Will you support us?" said Susan impatiently. 

Is it all your doing, Isabell? Are you looking down at me right now? Thought Martin. He sighed. "For many years, I had your dream, Miss. Grays. To clean this world from filth. Clean of those who have made this world like a hell. But I couldn't. I didn't have enough power. By power, I don't mean the power outside, I mean the self-strength." He said and stood and walked to the window. "I'm not like you. I had not the same fire. But are you reliable and worthy for all of this power? Will you not turn to an evil yourself and with the level of your intelligence that is a very likely outcome." He said and then glanced at Susan who was wisely silent. 

"right before I come to the room I was thinking about my wife." Said Martin after a moment. "God bless her soul. She had a dream. To see the people of this planet all living in peace. e.g, she believed that if the leaders of the most powerful countries of the world or some other powerful industries like oil or some great smugglers let, the poor people in Africa could live a good life and she was right." He then walked and stood in front of Susan who stood as well. "I never succeed to fulfill her dream, but now I see a teenager that has founded an agency ready to deal with the most dangerous and foul people." He paused and peered into Susan's dark eyes. "I can see your pure goal and determination to do it in your eyes. I can see the hidden strength in you to rattle the foundation of this world. So I stand by your side. You have my support, Susan Grays."

Susan smiled. "Thank you, Sir." She said gratefully. "Although the foul souls are so much in this world and they never can be destroyed completely, but I promise to do my best to fulfill your wife's dream. I promise."

Martin nodded and smiled. "That is all I want." He said. 

"Now I will take my leave so you can rest and get ready for tomorrow's council, sir. Thank you." said Susan.

"Thank you, young lady, and something else." Said Martin. "You can leave the house from the main door. I'm not very interested in people hanging from the walls of my house, sneaking in and out like thieves. I will inform the guards to let you pass. Don't sneak in my house again."

Susan grinned devilishly. "Well, I can't promise. Who knows? Maybe one day I needed to sneak in again. but not for a bad purpose of course." She said and then bowed slightly and left the room. 

Martin chuckled and shook his head. This girl was different. She was good and bad at the same time but had decided to let her good side to take her reins. He then went to his desk and rang his guard. He then went to the balcony and watched the full moon. He felt good. This girl had the power to fulfill Isabell's dream and he would do his best to help her.

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