Chapter 3: Mycroft Holmes

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One year later, London, England

Mycroft Holmes had stood in front of a mirror glass of the interrogation room. A personal document file was in his hand. The file had an image of a child attached on. The exact 9 years old girl who had sat there in the interrogation room calmly. 

Any normal kid would cry and panic in that semi-dark room, even most of the adults would do that, but not her. She had sat there, scanning around with her calm demeanor. Her eyes reached the mirror. She only could see herself but to Mycroft's surprise, it seemed her gaze passed the barrier and got fixed on his eyes. For a moment she kept eye contact. Her gaze was laced with unbound intelligence and knowing. Maybe she really did or it was only Mycroft's imagination, a faint smile formed on her lips, and then she dropped her head and began to move her legs back and forth. 

This little girl had been enchanted Mycroft from four hours ago when they had arrested her. The last part of her conversation with the psychologist was still repeating itself in his mind. 

"Do you think what you have done was good?" had asked the psychologist.

The little child had smirked. "Good and bad are comparative concepts." She had answered with her childish voice. "Everyone got their own definitions of them. Something that means good to someone is the worst sin for the other."

Suddenly, the door behind him opened. Mycroft turned his head. It was his colleague, Parker. "We found the data in her hard disks. Although not all of them." Said Parker and grinned. "Evans is exploding out there. It seems they had some very important secret files that they can't find them. I think the info was illegal, for they have not reported them as missing." He said and folded his arms and glanced at the child in the room and smiled. "She must have deleted them. God, I want to kiss her right now. The look on Evan's face is priceless. He wants to kill her. Who would have thought that a girl whose legs can't touch the ground while sitting, can hack the most secret data bases of the most powerful intelligence services of the world?"

"She is odd." Said Mycroft and Parker looked at him. He had stared at the girl with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Have you talked with her?" asked Parker.

"Not yet." Answered Mycroft and looked at Parker and gave him the file. "I think it's time now." He said and looked at the child with an odd look that Parker had not seen in Mycroft Holmes before.

"Mycroft? You're fine?" asked Parker. Mycroft looked at him. "She has put herself in grave danger." He said and then entered the room slowly.

The girl raised her head immediately and smiled. It was not a devilish smile nor a happy smile. It was just a smile, an empty smile. 

"Hello, Susan." Said Mycroft and sat on the other chair. 

"Good morning, Mr. Holmes. It must be morning, doesn't it?" she asked. Her angelic childish tone didn't match her words or wary eyes which were like dark endless wells. She was not frightened nor tired. In fact, nothing was behind her eyes. If you could take her intelligence, nothing would remain for her. She was empty, empty of every emotion. Mycroft had found this out the first time he had seen her and that was why he felt odd toward her.

"So, you finally thought it's time to show yourself to the world? To show it that a new power is arising. Am I wrong?" asked Mycroft and leaned at the back seat. 

The girl's smile grew wider. "Sometimes you can get bored of doing ordinary things all the time." She said.

"By ordinary things you mean doing part-time programming jobs for some big companies or better than that," Said Mycroft and leaned forward and smirked. "Leading a mafia group?" somehow he wished the girl deny him but instead she shrugged and leaned back with folded arms. 

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