Chapter 5: A call

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6 years later, GSS main base, Sevenoaks, England

Someone knocked on the door of Susan's office. "Come in!" called Susan and the door opened. Bishop walked in with an army backpack on his shoulder. Susan took her eyes off of a large hovering screen in the middle of the room and pushed aside the information on it and turned it off. The screen became like glass. "Tom!" she said. 

"Everything is alright?" asked Bishop. 

"Yes. Of course." Said Susan and walked to him. She saw the backpack and frowned. "You are leaving?" she asked.

"Well, yes." Said Bishop and scratched his almost bald head. It was his habit. "It's weekend and we don't have any missions. It looks like a calm one so I decided to go home and you know, Laura has become heavy. She is in her 8 months and the twins are so active. I thought I can spend ..."

Susan's eye grew wide in realization and she cut him off and waved her hands in the air. "Of course. You should go. I forgot that it's the weekend. Of course you should go. Those naughty kids need their father." She said and smiled.

"You're sure that you are fine? You seemed off after the last mission." Asked Bishop. 

Susan just waved her hand. "It's not important. Just go now and don't come back before Thursday." Said Susan and then raised her head to the ceiling and narrowed her eyes. "What a good boss I am. I've just given you a day off." 

Bishop laughed. "Yes, very good indeed." He said. 

Susan giggled. "Say my regards to Laura and kids. I've missed them." She said while guiding Bishop out of the room to the narrow way which had a view to the first and main floor of the base. 

"I will. Goodbye, Sus. Try not to put yourself in a bad situation until I come back." Said Bishop and walked away.

"I don't promise." Said Susan aloud and watched laughing Bishop went down the stairs. She then leaned on the steel railing and watched her personals coming and going under her feet.

The main hall of GSS base had a high ceiling like a dom, the first level had a big salon full of desks, computers, whiteboards, and hovering screens, and personnel of GSS were busy working with them. Susan could hear the always murmur of her people from a top. So many doors would let people to laboratories, cafeteria, hospital, training halls, and dormitories. From a stairs case and on the second floor was Susan's office along with some other rooms. Outside and behind the base building, was an airport and a hangar for GSS vertical take-off air-crafts and jets, and they also had few landing areas on the roof for helicopters. They had giant programming companies all around the world for meeting their financial needs.

Susan took a deep breath and looked down at the facilities that she had put so much effort to create. 

"enjoying the view? Of course, a boss should love the way her personals rushing to do as she has ordered them." Harris's voice brought Susan out of her thoughts. She rolled her eyes. "Do shut up, Harris." She said without taking her eyes off of the main floor. 

Harris came and stood next to her and leaned on the railing as well. They saw Bishop went out of the main gates. "Lucky bastard." Said Harris. "He has a home and those who are waiting for him." 

"Well, why don't you go and find someone for yourself?" asked Susan, but her voice was distant.

Harris made a disgusted face. "Not my area." He said and then looked at Susan and furrowed his brows. "What's wrong, Sus?" he asked and brought Susan to the real world.

"What? Uh, Nothing. I'm just tired." She said, but Harris knew her better. "No, you're not. What's wrong?" he insisted. 

Susan sighed and looked ahead. Her lips became a thin line. "We lost ten innocent people in our last mission and we had three casualties. Adams is in critical condition. I've just talked to Dr. Simon." She said.

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