Chapter 15: Tracks

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Sunday, GSS main base, England

"John!" called Bishop as he stepped on the main platform in front of Harris throne. "What have we got?" he asked.

Harris walked and stood beside him. "Lab's report." He said and forwarded something from his tablet to the hovering screen. Zaytsev slowly walked toward them. He had been in the base since last night. "Where is Grays?" he asked. "I think she wants to hear this."

"She is sleep." Answered Bishop without looking at him. He had not trusted him completely. "This is one of the rare occasions that she is sleep. I don't want to wake her up."

"This is the analyze of the list of material we gave to the lab." Said Harris and opened a document. "Nothing useful or important can be made with them or anything we know."

Bishop frowned. "There must be something. These guys have not paid this much for nothing." He said. "If Susan's hypothesis is true then they can use it for making some sort of serum."

"Actually, there is one thing." Said Harris and image of dark stone with light blue veins on its surface appeared on the screen.

Zaytsev narrowed his eyes. "It's like the veins are shining." He said.

Harris pointed to the picture. "This is Vallinium or it's better to say those blue veins." He said. "It's one of the rarest materials on this planet. Even a small bit of it can create a great magnetic field. Researchers say that its field can accelerate the healing process to high levels, but till now they had not found a suitable amount for testing."

"Can we track this magnetic field?" asked Bishop.

Harris nodded. "Vallinium emits a great number of UV rays. You can easily detect it if it is on the surface of the planet and not under a thick layer of concert-like laboratories." He explained.

"So this can't help." Said Zaytsev. "They must have had a secret laboratory and when they work with this element, it means they know this fact as well."

Harris gazed at Bishop. "Unfortunately, he is right." He said. "We didn't find anything."

Bishop sighed and dropped his head. Suddenly, a bipping sound came from Harris throne. The three furrowed their brows. 

"What the hell is that?" asked Bishop. 

Harris went to his throne, followed by the others, and sat at his chair. Bishop and Zaytsev stood behind him. "John?" asked Bishop again.

"My servers were still searching for any sign of Zaytsev on the internet. Looks like they have found something. It's a video from a personal blog." Answered Harris while working on some files. He brought a video on his main screen and played it.

It was a plump man or better to say boy, with a funny face. He had a knit hat ear flap on his head which only made him funnier. He was speaking in English. Only his head could be seen in the video but it seemed he was hiding behind a rock in a forest.

"I told you guys that I'm not mad. Something is happening here. These guys are a secret group who works on secret alien projects. There are a few other men here. I think they are trading. They work for the government? Who knows. Look." He said excitedly but in low voice and turned the camera. And the three men gasped. There were two black stations on a lakeshore. A group of men with casual clothes were on one side and the other had worn army clothes. Both groups had guns aimed at others. A man in front of the casual ones had an open suitcase in his hand and the other who was looking inside of it was in fact the faked Zaytsev.


"What is that glowing stones in that suitcase. Can you see that? God, I'm going to die."

Susan paused the video. "That is surely Vallinium." She said. "Did you find this boy?"

Harris nodded. "North of Norway."

"Let's go. This idiot is in danger. Do we have people around?" Said Susan while taking necessary things.

"We had Sarah and Lee near his city. They will be with him in a few minutes." Said Bishop as he, Harris, and Zaytsev followed Susan out of her office and down the stairs.

"Harris!" said Susan. "We will take the alpha team with ourselves. I think we finally found them. We will take off in 30 minutes."

"Everyone on your feet." Shouted Harris and it seemed the main floor suddenly burst from movements and left Zaytsev in awe.

Susan was almost at the main gate with Angi, Bishop, and Zaytsev, when suddenly two boys jumped in front of her and blocked her way. One of them was black with wavy-frizzy black hair and the other was white with reddish hair and freckles. Both couldn't be more than 18. Susan stopped startled. "What the hell are you two doing?" she asked.

"Please, Ma'am." Said the redhead. "Let us come with you. Let us be in this mission."

"No," answered Susan and tried to continue her way but this time the black one stood in her way. "but we are 18 now. We can be in alpha. Angi says we are ready." He said and Angi folded her arms angrily.

"first of all, you will be 18 in one month's time." Said Susan. "And secondly, you are not ready. You can't come and if you continue blocking my way, Dan, I will punish you hard."

The boy who had stood in front of her backed away frightened because of the anger in her eyes.

But the redhead didn't want to surrender soon. "But we want to come." He insisted.

"Stay where you are Henderson. Follow the orders." Said Bishop and Susan passed them. "You were 16 yourself when you started." Said Henderson aloud and irritated and Susan stopped again but not turned to him. She was silent for a moment. "I was different." She said finally and soon went outside.

Angi stood next to Henderson. "Go back to the training rooms. I will punish you hard later." She said angrily and then followed Susan and Bishop.

Dan put his hand on Henderson's shoulder. "Come, Chris. Let's go. Maybe next time, bro." He said sadly.

Suddenly a light shone in Henderson's eyes. "Yes," he said and hit Dan in the chest slowly. "Let's go. Come, Dan. I have a plan." He then began to run followed by Dan.

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