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It was about three in the afternoon when Taehyung decided to accomplish his mission.
He spent the whole day searching in his phone about mate rejection (where he couldn't find much) and then headed to the library and searched a little more on the very few selected books in the supernatural creatures section.
He couldn't believe how little information there was on rejecting the mate bond. How ridiculous! But he did gather enough knowledge to fall into his next step.

Taehyung had made up his mind already. And he chose Jimin.
It was simple, really.
Whenever he closed his eyes and thought about the people that made him the happiest, a pair of moon crescent eyes and squeaky giggles would appear first in his mind and whenever he thought about whom he'd want to spend the rest of his life with, he couldn't think of anyone else beside his soulmate.
Jungkook could go back from wherever he popped out for all he cares. All boy does is create more tension is Taehyung's peaceful life. Tension he doesn't want to deal with.
He almost fought with Jimin over scenting because of his stupid bond with the ravenette. Feeling all guilty and shit..
No way. Taheyung already made his choice and it was as clear as the day in his head at this moment. Or so he thought.

It might have been better for the alpha to remember the fact that in their pack, wolves hardly ever found their fated ones.
It was a common occurrence for pack members living in the middle of civilization and surrounded by humans to not find their chosen mates, as opposed to the more traditional, old fashioned packs where mates were sacred and highly favored and where, due to the short distance between different packs, they can easily find their mates by only traveling around a little.
So naturally they tend to choose whoever they want to spend the rest of their lives with, as long as they were werewolves.

Only Taehyung didn't ponder much about such futilites and with an already made up mind, drove his way to the buildings near the forest where he was already looking for a specific dark haired alpha.



"I'm so sorry, Hyung." The younger still wouldn't look at his brothers eyes. "I know what I did deserve harsh punishment."

Yoongi was already shaking his head, his baby brother was hurting all along, pressured by the weight of leading and constantly having to be an exemple for everyone around him while he was broken inside. He ran away because he wanted to save not only himself but his pack from what Jungkook thought would be a weak leader. Yoongi wanted to laugh. Jungkook was everything but weak.


"I accept the punishment, Hyung. I'm ready to head back and face it." Jungkook cut Yoongi off before, glossy eyes hard and now looking directly at his beta.

"I know that our pack's law doesn't let treason go unpunished. And I'm prepared to get executed in the name of the Mo-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

Yoongi pounced on him, shaking him harshly. "You don't know what you're saying!"

Jungkook wasn't fighting back his brother but he didn't stop talking.

"I do! It's the law! I was a coward foolishly thinking I could just run away! I promised myself that I would face the consequences no matter what."


Yoongi felt himself shaking. Shaking at the perspective of having his brother executed before him. The image causing anger to boil red inside of him. He will NOT let his brother die. He will not let him be punished for taking a chance at a better life. Because that's what Jungkook wanted, right? He wanted a shot at a new life where he wouldn't be excepted to run a pack and mate someone he wasn't destined to be with.
Yoongi would fight his parents if he had to, but he won't let harm fall upon his little dongsaeng.

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