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Jungkook wasted no more time. Careful not to make any noise, he opened the trap door and easily slid inside with the help of his heightened sight before closing it shut behind him.

It didn't help that the complete darkness and extreme heat was overpowering his limited senses in his human form, something that caused the true blood to slip on one of the wooden pieces that made up the antiquated shabby staircase. He braced himself as much as he could but still ended up falling on his back with a rather loud thud.

His head spun for a few seconds and he used those few moments to train his hearing as much as he can which proved to be way more difficult considering the atrocious heat and the disgusting smell of animal waste that dominated the space.

A few seconds of regaining his breathe later, Jungkook was more than ready to change into his wolf form if only so he can be able to look around him through the pitch blackness. He refrained from doing so when he heard a small scratching sound coming from his right.

After being able to concentrate a bit more on the sound, it was clear Jungkook could feel something tugging on his chest that he, with time, had learned to identify as the mate bond. Giddy and apprehensive at the same time, he slowly straightened and marched  a few steps towards the source of the still ongoing scratching, sure it was his mate but unsure of the state the latter was in.

As he made his way with wobbly steps, a voice confirmed his suspicions at once, but raised even more queries.



Taehyung's reality shifted with the appearance of his baby brother. He knew he would come back for him no matter what. He had promised after all, and now he was here.

"Baekhyun, I knew you wouldn't leave me by myself."


His voice changed, Taehyung thought. It was rougher somehow, older. But Taehyung didn't mind. He had missed his brother more than anything is the entire world. He would welcome him with all his changes.

"Baek, I'm here. I can't see you. But I can feel you." Taehyung soft whispers echoed through the underground space, the energy behind them decreasing with every word spoken.
"I'm dizzy."


The loud thud frightened the ravenette before he managed to understand that it was Taehyung falling. He was certain there was only the two of them here. And Taehyung sounded far more tired than Jungkook originally thought he would find him.

But the question that was trotting through the true blood's head was the identity of this mysterious "Baekhyun". Someone that must have meant quite a big deal for his mate if the first throught of company was assumed to be his.

Jungkook brushed the thoughts off and focused on turning. He would be far more useful as a wolf.


"Yoongs, we talked about this. Every decision you have to make, we make it together."

Yoongi's mop of platinum blond hair bowed down with the movement of his head as he looked down in shame.
He knew he shouldn't have mindlessly followed Jungkook into the forest in the middle of the tension surrounding their pack and everything that's been going on lately. But Goddess damn him, he saw his only one brother leaving as careful as a hyena and thought about the immense fear and pain that he experienced when that first happen so he just couldn't think of anything else. He needed to help his brother no matter what. A decision which really wasn't fair to any of his mates.

"I apologize." He sincerely uttered, looking up and facing the faces of the two men he loved dearly and clearly didn't deserve...

He couldn't finish that thought properly before he was engulfed into a tight hug from both sides.

"We love you, dumbass."

The shortest muttered between his ear and neck as they all breathed longingly from the proximity they were sharing.

"I love you even more."

A minute later, the white haired broke out of the hug.

"Wait a damn minute." The pair looked at him expectantly, before the three widened their eyes impossibly at the realization.



Alright. Maybe Jungkook should've had a more concrete plan before getting trapped in a confined place with his passed out mate and not a single flicker of light in sight.

The true blood didn't change back from his wolf form, trying so hard to pick out any noise or any scent that will give him even the smallest idea of what's going on in the foreign pack without any luck.
The noise was as nonexistent as the smell was overpowering, which was really starting to bother the true blood.
He can't even pick out the exact scent of Taehyung to get an idea of his emotions. The boy was passed out, hair matted onto his dirtied face, features oozing exhaustion. Only then did it hit Jungkook how much his mate must've suffered during this entire kidnapping fiasco.
He was relieved however by the carafe of water that was already down there with them. Jungkook didn't blink once at it and brought it directly to his mate's mouth, angling his face and moving his jaw at an angle that would permit the latter to gulp down the liquid.
Still, the brunette didn't wake up once more ever since Jungkook got down there.

"Fuck." The raven haired muttered, completely defeated. He was tired, hungry and he had no idea what would happen to them if no one came down there for them.
It made think a lot. Was this Alpha Song's strategy? Keep his mate until the Council finally remembered them, if they ever found still alive. At this rate, Jungkook doubted they would live long enough to see the Council's face.

Jungkook took a deep breath before that same breath hitched in his throat with the reminder of something which had totally slipped from his mind up until this moment. It was odd to remember this detail of a conversation he only partly overheard, but he did anyways.
Taehyung had called Yoongi to ask about his whereabouts a few days prior. Although this wasn't what made his mind whir with different scenarios. Jungkook could distinctly remember his words.

I have a plan.

He had been interrupted saying something about now being able to talk it through on the phone but Yoongi had unfortunately shut him off before he could elaborate.

Now, was it really true? Did Taehyung actually had a plan in mind, a plan to get them out of the Council's webbed lies and manipulation unscathed? Or was it all a desperate attempt to get Jungkook's location?
Jungkook supposed it didn't really matter for the brunette since he ended up coming all the way down here without confirming Jungkook's whereabouts.

It that exact moment, the true blood felt a slight pinch of pride in his heart at his mate's courage. A feeling that didn't linger for long, interrupted by the sound of muffled footsteps crunching on the dirt above them.


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