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Jungkook had taken his mate to his own apartment.
He figured the younger was in need of distance from the world and being in the main house wouldn't help.

The boy ended up sleeping in his arms with the help of endless sweet nothings whispered into his ears and gentle touches.

Jungkook was in fact, hurting. With each passing day, he seemed to uncover just how deep his mate's scars really were. Those scars affected him too.

Jungkook was no psychologist, and werewolves were known to have an incredibly strong mindset. They were less prone to mental illnesses than humans were. So seeing the weak wolf now laying on his bed, hair covering most of his face, he wondered just what he went through to become such a fragile, broken shell.

Jungkook didn't know what to do with him anymore.
He had tried to give the alpha his space at first which ended up being a huge failure. Afterwards, Jungkook came up with another plan. Assisting his mate from afar. Not giving him more than the latter needed and backing away as soon as the older didn't need him anymore, which seemed to actually work.

Jungkook would be here for Taehyung for the better and for the worse. Present enough to pick him up when he falls, and disappearing once he was back on his feet.




"Can you at least look at me when I talk to you?"

Jimin let down the clothes he had in hand, and turned to face his father.
The man was younger than he looked. Lines of age adorned the traits of his visage.
He was old, tired and Jimin felt bad for burdening him even more.

"I know you made it clear you wanted to go. But it's my duty as your father to make sure you're a hundred percent sure of this decision."

"Dad, I'm only going to the south. I'm not leaving the country." He reminded.

"I know, Chim." Minho approached his son only to engulf him into a tight hug. "I'm proud of you for choosing to do something like this even if you're not obliged to."

Jimin's heart thumped happily in his chest. It has been years since his father last praised him for anything. The feeling almost made the blonde tear up.

"I want you to be careful and if put in a situation, make sure to choose the one that'll benefit you as well." Minho advised his only son with all the pride and love he had for him. "Don't worry about Taehyung, okay? He'll come around."
Jimin shut his eyes tight, failing to hold in his tears.

He had had fights with Taehyung before, but this one appeared to be the worse yet.

"I hope so." And hope, he had.
Jimin loved Taehyung unconditionally. They were born to be best friends and they understood each other more than anyone else.
Friendship, love and understanding were their synonyms. But as people grow up, things start to change.
It was inevitable.
How to grow with the change, was the billion dollar question.


"I wish you could've come with me." The blonde pouted. He grew attached to the raven haired almost too much.

Jungkook appeared a few hours later, helping Jimin with his last minute packing, checking for anything he might have forgotten and mostly keep the younger company.

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