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Jungkook got into the car and drove off. He tried not to think too much about how Taehyung will have to find his way back alone which was rather easy considering his somber thoughts overpowered his over-caring personality.
He just needed a moment.
Jungkook's head rattled with regret and guilt. Taehyung probably didn't know how much his silent implications hurt his mate.
Jungkook thought about all the things they did together and somehow found himself tearing up as guilt suffocated him. Did he take advantage of Taehyung?
All these things they did.. were they even consented?
Jungkook's lower lip trembled so he proceeded to bite it hard enough to draw blood. His shaky hands on the steering wheel were turning white from the effort of keeping them clasped there.
His wolf howled in pain. The pain of having abused their mate.
Jungkook will never forgive himself for it.
He thought.. he really thought that Taehyung wanted it. The intimate interactions, the small gestures and the passionate making out. He could even swear Taehyung enjoyed it. Fuck! Jungkook thought he was sensible enough to distinguish pleasure from lack thereof. Was it all just in his head? Did he let his want for Taehyung get the best of him and overlooked the other's non commitment?
He wanted to help. He wanted to show the younger that he was loved and desired, that someone out there wanted him despite anything he might think or believe. All he wants, all he ever wanted was to show Taehyung that he was by his side.
Boy did it backlash.

Jungkook found himself in the forest. He didn't even realize that he was driving towards the pack grounds but here he was.
He also didn't care for the trailing wetness on his his cheeks as he further entered the woods, mindlessly walking until he collapsed against an oak tree.
Goddess, he hated himself. He loathed the things he had done and it was only a matter of seconds before it all crashes down on him like an ice cold waterfall.
The shame of leaving his family and friends behind, the guilt of sending his brother away from his second mate, the culpability of separating Jimin and Taehyung, the remorse of taking advantage of his own mate.
Jungkook didn't even think twice about blaming himself for it all, he was far too gone in self-accusation to let the logical side of his brain think him through this.

Underneath the grey cloud that loomed over his senses, Jungkook didn't hear the figure approaching him reluctantly.


Jungkook's eyes flashed towards the source of the voice in panic, but soon his breathing regained its balance upon seeing who it was.

"Lulu." He breathed out in relief. Something about the tall dark haired wolf calmed down every one of Jungkook's nerves.

The boy made a few more steps and crouched before the troubled true blood.
Jungkook braced himself for the avalanche of questions and felt his head begin to pound from the sheer thought of having to answer such disdainful interrogations. Contrary to what he first believed, Lucas only wrapped his arms around the slightly shaking body and brought him in for a hug.

Jungkook felt his entire being melt into the embrace. Something about being held in the warm arms of someone you trust made all the worries in the world fly away.
Lucas didn't let go after a few moments as Jungkook predicted he would. Instead, his hug tightened and the ravenette never felt so grateful before. His head automatically tucked into the beta's neck, breathing in the much appeasing neutral scent and calming pheromones. the shaking of his limbs ceased and his eyes closed in appease.
Time has passed by but nothing changed except their position. Lucas' back to the tree and Jungkook's form fitted between his legs with his own back laid on the beta's chest. Lucas's bigger hands were slowly petting the silky black hair before him, braiding a few strands with nonchalant precision.
Jungkook's own hands were playing with the frays from the taller's jeans. The cut in the thigh was barely showing skin but Jungkook's fingers found the few threads hanging from the sides of it fascinating. Just enough to help him slip into a simple calm headspace.

Hours may have passed, Jungkook had no idea, he did in fact leave his phone in the car and quite frankly he didn't care. After Jungkook's jumbling thoughts stilled, another feeling found itself settling into the pit of his stomach: hurt.
Taehyung hurt Jungkook.
And Jungkook knew it would take him some time before he could face the younger, let alone talk to him again.

"You're alright, darling?"

Jungkook hummed, eyes finally catching glimpses of their surrounding. They were in the middle of the woods but still in what was considered their pack's territory. It was all green and brown. Different shades of nature with its various shapes, textures and sounds.
A wolf's paradise.

"I would have suggested we go ice skating but I think I have a better idea."

Jungkook turned into the other's embrace to face him, eyebrows up in curiosity.
Lucas' eyes twinkled underneath the rays of sunshine filtering through the towering trees. He didn't really answer, but made his way to move and once both were on their feet, he offered Jungkook his large warm hand.
Jungkook didn't feel a inch of hesitance, taking the hand and smiling fondly at the size difference.


Who would have thought the broken, weak alpha named Kim Taehyung could overpower a true blood?
Oh but he did.
Taehyung defeated his own mate, crashed his feelings and pushed him so far underneath the water that he was sure the older wouldn't emerge back anytime soon.
Taehyung also found himself in a eerily calm mood. Maybe it was the silence before the storm, who knew?
But Taehyung was calmer than ever as he strolled back from the café to his house, offering small nods to the occasional werewolf passing by and ever so commonly made his way to his bedroom.

He removed the slightly warm jacket, put it on the hanger and walked to his desk where he plopped down. Taehyung's hand were working themselves on tidying the study area, classifying the papers and arranging the books by classes order.
The last book was put on top of the pile and from it stumbled the small square object.
Taehyung stared longingly at the Polaroid picture. Something about the usual foreign feeling emitting from it was mixing with a new unrecognizable but somehow familiar one.
Fleeting images from his unconsciousness flashed across his vision, putting sense into his thoughts and more sense into the empty memory, filling it up.

Echoing giggles, wide smiles and matching clothes. Hand in hand skipping through vast flower fields. Brown curly hair bouncing from the skip in their feet and names called from afar.

"Baek! Tae! Time for lunch!"

"Coming momma!"

Ever growing laughs and kisses on the cheeks, warmth in every sound and strong bonds. Beauty and belonging. Happiness. Innocence.

All of it gone in the blink of an eye.


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