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As soon as he pushed the WC's doors closed, he broke down.

All his life, he looked for his mate only to find him already claimed by someone else. It was just too cruel.
He abandoned everything he ever loved for his mate, because of his mate. And seeing him standing tall, breathing, alive, but not his. It broke Jungkook all over again.
Suddenly he was sixteen years old again, the biggest party going off around him. Wolves cheering, Yoongi hugging him, his parents waving at him, even the neighboring packs were invited. All waiting for the clock to tick midnight so the next Alpha of the Bangtan pack can find his mate.
Only he never did.

Jungkook didn't know if he should be sad, angry or hopeless. So he chose neither and decided that won't bring himself down again. It was his fate after all. And he was going to accept it. He came all the way here, far away from his family and friends se he certainly won't let this ruin his second shot at a better life.

So he walked towards the nearest sink and splashed his face with the cold refreshing water, making sure to wet his neck as well to relieve some of the tension.

"Taehyung, no! Don't do this!"

Jungkook heard the commotion outside the toilets but decided to ignore it. That until he smelled him again.
The scent only made Jungkook angry asking himself what would it be now. He skipped to the door and opened it wide, coming face to face with the brunette. Jimin had his hand wrapped tightly around the boy's arm and Jungkook once more, didn't know how to feel about it.
His confusion got cleared up pretty quickly when a deep voice spoke up.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Tae-" the blonde boy pleaded once more. But what for? Jungkook had no idea.

"Jimin leave us, please." The brown haired boy turned to the other and looked at him pleadingly, his big eyes sparkling and so tender towards the smaller.

Jungkook could swear his heart broke even more at the sight. How much pain does he have to go through before it all ends? He wondered.

The blonde finally nodded and left.


"I reject you." The deep voice cut him straight.

"Wh- what?" Jungkook squeaked. He squeaked.

"You heard me. I reject you. I'm not interested in having someone come into my life and ruin everything for me. I'm not- no I don't want to have a mate, okay? I know you mean no harm of whatever but I refuse you and-" the boy seemed to stumble over words, his eyes swimming in unshed tears. Jungkook felt immensely bad and he spoke before he could stop himself.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jungkook couldn't help seeing his mate, or anyone else for that matter, looking this way and not help. He was just this caring.

"I'm fine!" The other snapped back. "I just don't want you. Plus you're an alpha? What kind of sick joke is this?! Two alphas can never be mates!"
His lower lip was now trembling so he bit it hard.

Jungkook was so taken aback from the boy's words that he was stunned for a moment. What? He slightly approached the other and sniffed him two- three times, eyes wide. He really was an alpha. How is that possible? His eyes traveled from the beautiful almond shaped eyes lined in red, to the perfectly sculpted face, high cheekbones, pointed nose, full plump lips that he was still biting on. He wanted trace them with his fingers and kiss them gently.
So what if they were both alphas? He thought but then remembered how the other was in the process of rejecting him and was probably already claimed by the blonde boy who was waiting outside.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when the boy turned his face to the side and that's when Jungkook got a full view of his neck. Perfectly tanned clean neck. With no bite in sight.

"You're.. not claimed?" Jungkook was just plain confused now.

Taehyung turned to the boy and huffed loudly.

"No. And that's not an invitation. I told you I reject you, okay? So please accept that and leave me alone."

Jungkook couldn't help find the supposed angry alpha's pout cute. He was for sure insulting him and Jungkook's can only take as much since he was a true Alpha after all but he managed to ignore that and concentrate on his mate.

"What are you looking at?"

Jungkook smiled.

"That's not how you reject a mate, you know?"

Taehyung looked at him confused.

"Are you even sure you're an alpha?" Jungkook decided to press because he wanted to test his mate's limits.
Which worked wonders.
Taehyung emitted a very loud growl, his eyes flashing even redder before he stepped in front of Jungkook.

"Listen here you arrogant wolf. I don't know who you are, where you come from or why you even decided to show up now. But you better fuck off."

Taehyung had never used his alpha voice before, and at the moment it only helped disgusting him even more from himself. He hated his true self with a passion but doesn't want to show it. Now was not the time.

Jungkook who was silently looking at him didn't even flinch which reminded Taehyung that he was dealing with an alpha as well. For god's sake.

"I will go now and when I come back I will reject you properly. Until then stay away from me and stay away from Jimin or we're gonna have problems." Taehyung didn't wait for an answer before turning around and leaving the washroom.

He didn't manage to make three steps properly before he felt himself engulfed into a hug that he returned gladly. He was shaking from head to toe.

"Oh TaeTae what have you done?"


When Jungkook entered his apartment, he felt like he was suffocating. He wanted to go to the forest so badly and just be able to turn and let his wolf take control because he just couldn't anymore.

But that wasn't possible. He was still rogue because he hasn't joined any pack yet so roaming around the forest alone was the closest thing to a suicide mission.

He felt the need to curl up and cry. He misses his home so much.
During the first few weeks Jungkook decided to rest, go around the city and maybe try to find a small part time job and get to know his environs more. A normal wolf's instincts. And he was thankful for it because if he did ran into his mate while he just moved in, he would have lost it completely.

"I can't believe he's going to reject me." Jungkook didn't get the chance to celebrate his mate being not claimed before the aforementioned threatened him of rejection. He laid on the couch of his small apartment and closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath.

Not knowing your mate was something. But rejection is on a whole other level. He wondered if he could even survive such thing and concluded that he probably wouldn't.

He decided to turn on his flat TV screen feeling thankful for having saved so much money all those years as well, which allowed him to afford some necessities without much effort.

His thoughts were cut off when he received a text message on his phone.

'I'll be waiting for you tomorrow before noon, don't be late.

He smiled softly before answering a simple 'ok.'
At least he won't be rogue any longer. He just misses his wolf form so much since he haven't gone a day, back home, where he didn't change into his wolf and hunt, run of even just sleep in the woods. It was the most relaxing feeling in the world.

Before his mind starts converging to a certain brown haired boy, he decided to go to sleep as he had a long day awaiting for him tomorrow.


A.N: I love jk

Mix and Match ~ TKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora