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It wasn't the intense first whiff of clean oxygen after a while, or the blinding light after so many night in utter darkness. It wasn't even the loud noise that cut through his ears like arrows that woke him up abruptly. No, Taehyung was awoken with a startle by the overwhelming scent of his other half. Jungkook.
It was only mere seconds later that he recognized the calming and familiar odor that undersigned his nightmares wherever he's been for the last days.


"Shush, shush. We're out, love. We're out." The rough hand caressed his cheek with a slight tremble that touched a very cold crony inside Taehyung's heart. He shivered as the connection between the two of them strengthened now that he was conscious. Only it didn't last long as his eyes soon closed under the starry doe ones of his mate. His mate, he thought with a relieved sigh.

I'm finally with my mate.


Jungkook's teary eyes saw his mate's ones closing with stabbing pain. He needs food and water or else he might lose him for good. But his thoughts were mercilessly interrupted with the insanity that was going off around him. He was relieved that the cave was more on the outskirts of the tribe rather than inside of it since it spared him the heart of the battle for a long enough moment to adjust to his surroundings and look for help.

Like an answered prayer, he saw the figure of his brother limping towards him with as much force as the older can manage in his condition. He was wounded.

"Jungkook! Thank the Goddess you made it!" Yoongi breathed out in relief, but he didn't waste a second to even greet his brother as he handed him a leather bound bottle. "Drink up, it's vitamins. Give some to Taehyung as well."

Jungkook, too startled to respond verbally, nodded and took the bottle with his hands that were still holding the unconscious body of Taehyung. Seeing his obvious struggle, Yoongi snatched back the bottle and brought it up to his lips after he opened it hastily.

"Here, hurry up." Jungkook took one long enough gulp and moved his head away, mentioning with it to the boy in his arms. Yoongi rolled his eyes but obliged, tipping the bottle's head to Taehyung's lips while gripping his jaw with the other hand to make him swallow.
Jungkook's disappointment his mate's eyes didn't open immediately after drinking the vitamins didn't get lost on his brother.

"He needs more than a few gulps of vitamins to wake up, he's in a near-death state." Yoongi said while stoppering the bottle and attaching it to his waistband. "I don't have enough time to explain everything to you but I'm sure we'll have time for chitchat later. If we make it out alive that is." He joked halfheartedly, staring at a hollow looking Jungkook who's body was rapidly responding to the vitamins. "But what you need to know is that we initiated an attack on the Song pack against the peace treaty and so I give it a few hours before we become encircled with the entire southern pack's warriors and the council's army."

Jungkook's eyes widened, trying to assimilate the situation as best as he could but still mostly in shock.

"What do you need me to do?" He blurted out after a second, suddenly determined. After what Taehyung and him endured in that cave, the words he heard the pack members say about them, the betrayal of their supposed allies, Jungkook was more determined than ever to fight back. Yoongi who in the meantime pushed them behind a particularly large tree trunk as he heard the screaming approach them, grinned to his brother.

"That's the spirit! But you're in no shape to fight. Our plan for you is more undercover." Jungkook looked at his brother with confusion but turned abruptly around. The rest of his body circled the boy in his arms in defense but he was ready to pounce any moment.

"Goddess! You sure didn't lose your touch even after days in exile."

The familiar voice calmed the true blood down immediately and he exhaled.

"Jimin!" He breathed out. He couldn't help the feeling of being on guard now that they were out. He felt like he would be attacked from literally anywhere. The short boy was the one to pounce on Jungkook, careful of his best friends figure that he noticed was passed out. "I don't know if I should be relieved or mad."

Jungkook breathed in the familiar scent and calmed his pheromones as much as he could, not returning the hug but doing his best to show his affection to the blonde.

"I don't know how to feel either. I just want Tae to wake up." Jungkook said while looking at his mate's soft features that he could barely notice in that dark cave. His face was dirty and hair greasy and sticking everywhere but Jungkook thought he was the most beautiful being on earth.

"He's only unconscious, right?" Jimin who was now sticking beside his mate asked, uncertain. His heart broke at the image of his best friend looking almost lifeless.

"He needs to rest as much as possible. They doped him up with wolfsbane."

"What?" The couple exclaimed at the same time, incredulous and shocked. Jungkook nodded trying not to get angry again, Goddess knows he's been through all the shades of anger these past days.

"Oh Song definitely has it coming for him. Wait until Namjoon hears about this." Yoongi muttered, seething. Jungkook perked up at the mention of the Alpha and asked.

"Where's he, Namjoon? I think I need an update, Yoongs, I can't keep being in the dark I've had enough of it already."

"All you need to know is that the other side of Song's pack is on fire right now. We needed to create a distraction to get you out but luckily you got out right on time." He smiled briefly. "Namjoon can't move from the North but he sent a great many soldiers of his to help us out. I don't even know he managed to do that to be honest but he did and we're glad. We need all the help we could get. It's going down brother."


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