Chapter 29

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"How do you have better costumes then last time and last time they were amazing?" Lillian said. I laughed. "Wow my baby girl is so grown up and beautiful." My father says. I laugh. "Wow Babe you look awesome. You totally got this." Asher said. I blush. He kisses my lips. He pulls back a few seconds later. Mason kisses Kam. They also pull back. "Oh my god! Oh my god! I should be used to this right?!" I say of what I could see there were thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people.

"Davina no one gets used to this. Just breath." Kam says. "I am not used to this either. Take a deep breath and focus on me." I nod. I slow my heart and take deep breaths. Kam hugs me. We dont pull apart. Ok now our last dance of the night. Kameron Lee and Davina Garcia!!!!

The host person yells. I take deep breaths and people cheer so loudly. Kam grabs my hand and I grab a mic, we then walk out on stage. People cheer loudly and stand up, I didnt know that was possible. All the judges get up clapping and smiling. I blush and look down we stop in the middle of the stage. The host Noah Daniels quiets down the huge crowd. He comes and stands next to us. "Ok, Davina and Kameron how are things after your kidnap Davina?"

I take a deep breath not letting go of Kam's hand I put the microphone to my mouth. "Well Noah, it has been very hard but I have had Kam and my friends and family by my sides and my boyfriend so things have gone a little better, I do have nightmares about it though." He nods. "And everyone sees the scars on your stomach." "Yes, when I came home I was very disgusted by them, but Kam and Asher, my boyfriend helped me and here I am now proud of them. They show that i have survived a lot. Been through a lot."

"That is so true. And what would you say to other people who have scars on their bodies?" "Well, I would say dont be ashamed of them. Show them off. If people are being mean to you about them kick their butts. Be happy you have survived whatever you have been through." "Wow that was one speech." I laugh. "Kam how have you been doing buddy?" Noah says I give him the mic. "I have been good, me and Davina have been practicing non stop."

"Ok and what song are you dancing to?" Noah says. "Control by Zoe Wees." "Never heard of it, but why did you choose this song to dance to?" "If you listen to the lyrics then you would understand. It is about controlling your problems like anxiety depression and stuff like that. And we are dancing to an original song." I say. His eyes widen. "An original so that means you and Kameron made the dance moves up 100%." "100% ourselves."

Kam says. "Wow I bet that took some time." "Yea it did but it was worth it." He nods. "And for the ladies I am sure they are wanting to see your hair and what you have done with it we only have sent he front." I turn around letting go of Kam's hand a camera man comes up and shoots it at my head. After a minute I turn around and the huge screen behind us shows us it. "Wow where did you buy the accessories?" Claire says finally talking.

"Online usually but I built this buy hand same with the outfits." I say. Her eyes widen. Me and Kam laugh. "Ok, ok, people wanna see the dance." Noah says. I nod. He walks off the stage. Me and Kam get into position.

Then the song starts. As the first sentence starts me and Kam look down then look both ways slowly. Then the second sentence comes on I run to my right, Kam holds his hand oit like he wants me and I spin and crouch down the both my hands on my face.

Then I feel Kam touch me, I pretend to jump. He holds his hand out smiling. I grab it slowly. Even though I know it's been forever I can still feel the spin Kam twirls me 5 times as this sentence starts. Then I stop and fall back. Kam catches me. Dont know if you get it cause i can't express how thank full i am. The song says. I run and jump to Kam and he spins us smiling. I look at Kam and step forward spinning once and i reach up and caress his cheek.

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