Chapter 1

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I just moved to Florida from California. I moved here about 3 weeks ago and today is the second week of school but for me it's my first day. I'm 17 and I am a Junior. I have an annoying little sister who is 8 and an older sister who is 20. I am in my closet looking for some clothes I wanted to look cute but not to much so I put on a pink and purple short sleeved shirt that is sparkly and I put on some jean shorts and I grab my white high tops.

Once I am done In the shower I get dressed and I put my phone in my pocket then I brush my hair an di leave it down. I go down stairs and sigh. Home alone. Again. Let me tell you that my parents don't get along very well. They fight almost 24/7. They stay together just for me and my sisters. But truthfully it would be better off if they just get divorced.

I grab an apple and I make my way to my rose gold shiny new car. (Up top) My parents bought it thinking it would make me happier to move but their wrong. I mean it's awesome and all but. I get in the car and I turn the volume up really high and I start driving. The roofs down since it is a nice day. The school is only a ten minute drive. Once I get there I see new shiny cars and stuff. Must be near a rich neighbor hood.

I get out and sigh eating my apple. I walk in and I try to be as small as I can. I hate people. I don't like to talk to them either. I was looking around when I bumped into something very hard and very muscular. I fall on my as. "Oof." "Ouch." I rub my elbow and I look up and I see a hot guy. I start to get nervous. "I-I'm sorry. "I-I didn't see you." "It's fine just watch out where your going next time." I get up and I bend over picking up my books and stuff.

He helps me. "I'm new here." I said. "I can see." "Does it really show that much?" "No, it's because I never seen you before." He hands me my stuff and starts to walk away. "Wait!" I yell he turns around and I run to him. "Can you point me to the direction of the office?" "It straight then turn left. first door on your right." He then walks away. Rude.

I just roll my eyes and I follow the directions he told me. Then it hits me. I didn't get his name. Dummy. I say to myself ads I walk through the doors. I go up to the desk. "Hi my name is Davina Garcia and I am new here." "Ok, hold on a minute." I nod. She take's out everything that I need. my schedule, locker number, map of the school, books, binders, and everything else.

"Hey can I ask about the-" "First period is about to start in 7 minutes you should leave so your not late." I nod. I find my locker and I see a couple making out. I sigh. I didn't want to disturb them but these damn binders are heavy. I try to get in without bothering them. When that turns into a not option. I sigh and clear my throat. They don't acknowledge it.

"Move now!" I said loudly. They stopped. "And who do you think you are?" "I'm sorry but your making out right up against my locker so move." "This locker hasn't been used in 3 years." "Yea well guess what? It's mine now so move your ass." "EXCUSE ME!!" She said. "Your excused." I push her out of the way and her make out buddy catches her.

I put my binders and books that I don't need besides my math and English class. "Do you know who I am?" "No." "I'm Bella. and I own this school." "So?" "So, everyone listens to me bitch." "I'm not the one being a bitch though. Goodbye." I turn around and walk away. "You'll regret this." She yells. "Bye!" Is all I said. I find my math class and I sit down in the way back. I was sitting next to a cute guy but he was on his phone.

Then the cute guy from earlier came in. I got back on my phone when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up. "Can I help you?" "Yea. That's my seat." I shrug. "Go find another seat." "But this is my seat." I looked back up from my phone. "I'm sorry did you say something." "Then the guy that was on his phone he got up and stood next to the dude.

"Asher just sit behind her man." So the dude I ran into is named Asher. "Kam shut up." "Get out of my seat." Asher dude said. "Let me think about it. No." Then the teacher came in. "Kameron, Asher take a seat." "I can't because little miss prissy here won't get out of my seat." I stood up fast. "Don't call me prissy." "Kameron sit down. Asher sit behind miss..." "Davina Garcia." "Sit behind miss Garcia."

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