Chapter 41

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It was the day before my wedding before I knew it. Us girls weren't doing anything crazy we were just going to drink champagne, watch chick flicks, relax in the outdoor jacuzzi, while doing all of this. It was 78 degrees tonight with a clear sky. The boys were going to stay the night at a hotel 45 minutes away.

Since Emily couldn't drink champagne she had sparkling juice. We put on our bathroom suits and get in the jacuzzi, I turn the tv on, since this was an indoor pool, hot tub and jacuzzi we have a few slides and a tv. We all talked and laughed during the first movie until I felt sick, I got out and ran to the bathroom. The girls come in and help me, Emily holding up my hair as Kim got me a glass of water.

I rinse my mouth and then flush the toilet, standing up. "I think the champagne made me sick along with nerves." I say with a smile. They smile at me, we then get back in the jacuzzi, now with sparkling water. We stayed up till midnight. We all went to my room, changed and fell asleep in my bed.

When I woke up the next day it was to Kim shaking me awake. "C'mon your mom and sister will be here in an hour and a half. You have to eat quickly then take a shower." I nod getting up, ily comes up with some eggs and bacon. We all eat while sitting in my bed. "Thank you guys." I say as we finish, "You are welcome now go!" Emily says with a laugh. Kim hands me undergarment and a robe, then I get in the shower.

I washy hair and body twice, then I shave everything I could before getting out. I dried off quickly and walked out. Diana and Mom hug me before sitting me at my vanity.

They work on me for what felt like hours. When they were done I could finally look at myself in the mirror. My makeup was natural, some foundation, red lipstick, nude eyeshadow and mascara. My hair was curled tightly and in a half up half down style. They all added flowers to my hair to match my dress. It looked stunning.

Next Emily added my veil that I bought separately it was satin and as some little designs on it. It was pretty long which is what I wanted.

Then they put me in my beautiful wedding dress, I was obsessed with this dress as soon as I bought it this was the first time Diana and my mother saw me in it when they did they gasped.

I smiled at them, "Do you like it?" They nod and hug me. Kim the helps me into my shoes they were really.prstty and surprisingly easy to walk in. They barely hurt my feet and they also had a cute strap around my ankle

I put on my garter with the help of Kim, she smiles at me when she was done.
"Ok your turn Kim." She puts on her dress.

For her hair she curled it and pinned her bangs out of the way.

Diana had her long black hair in a fishtail braid going down her left shoulder.

Emily straightened her hair and had it in a messy but cute low ponytail. You could see her baby bump a little which made her look more grown up.

Then my mom put her dress on for the first time. Her maid of honor dress was gold on top and went down to dark red at the bottom some of her sparkles on the dress were black the contrasted very well with it. She had her hair curled and left down.

Now we only had to wait 15 minutes. "Guys Mason said that he may not be able to come, do you think that is true? Do you think he won't be here?" I ask turning to Kim and Emily. "I'm sorry Davina. I know how you really wanted him here." Kim says hugging me. "We are going to get your dad." Diana said leaving with mom.

I sit down in front of my mirror with a frown, "Hey you are suppose to be happy not sad." "It won't be the same without Mason though." I tell them. They frown, I look down at my lap as my mother and sister come back with my dad, though I didn't look up, I just played with my dress. "Mason has to be here for my wedding." I say to Kim and Emily. "Well good thing I made it." I heard looking up, I saw Mason standing there with Kim and Emily smiling widely.

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