Chapter 25

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I scream. The man had a knife. But Kam also had one. And Kam is good with a knife. But the man had an advantage. I got off the bed and ran to the man pushing him off Kam. Kam.put me behind him. "Who are you and who sent you to kill Davina!?" He yells. Good thing my window is shut with the curtains also shut.

"Why would I say anything give me the girl and I will let you live." Kam sneers. "Try to kill me." Kam says. I gasp. I felt so useless I didn't know much. "Davina under your bed there is something get it and you'll know what to do." Kam says. Kam was hurt a little bit. He had a big scratch on his arm and stomach he wasnt wearing a shirt cause we were sleeping.

I ran to my bed and got iner I saw a knife the same knife I hurt Josh with. I grabbed it. Kam was facing me trying to dodge the attack front he other dude. Then I saw a tattoo very familiar. "Red Claw!" I yelled. Kam looked at me and he immediately got a pissed if expression. He was taking no mercy on the dude.

"Kitten remember what I taught you." I nod I took a deep breath and got into position. Then I threw the knife it his the man in the back of his shoulder. He grunted. "Nice job Kitten." Kam pulled the knife out of his shoulder roughly and covered his mouth taking the otehr knife from the man's hand. He then held the Red Claw member by his shirt around his neck.

"Your fucking gang hurt and scared my Kitten! She cant have a good nights sleep because of you bastards! Then you go and hide in her closet waiting for her to fall back asleep and kill her!! You are sick!! And you hurt my Kitten even more!! And whoever's hurts my Kitten will pay!" He yelled in his face.

I have never seen this side of Kam. I was overwhelmed. Tears fell down my face like a river. I went over to my window and saw Asher fast asleep with earbuds in his ears. I sighed. I went back to Kam. "Why does your gang want to kill me!" The man laughs hysterically. I look at Kam.

He looked like he was gonna pass out soon. I punched the man in the face. I was beyond pissed off. He looked me in the face and his face pales a little bit. "If you and your gang don't leave me, my family, and my friends alone so help me god you better run like a damn coward. If you ever come near me or get on my property again I will be the one to kill you." I walk him down the stairs and throw him outside.

He runs away. I lock my door and run upstairs. I see Kam lang agaisnt the wall in my room. I go to my bathroom and get my first aid kit. I run back and  I somehow get him on my bed with his head propped up. I clean his wounds. "Thank you for defending me Kam. I'm sorry u wasnt much help." He smiels weakly.

"Dont worry Kitten you helped me by hitting him in the shoulder so I could put him against the wall." "But you got hurt Kam." I look him in the eyes dead serious. "It was worth it." I shake my head smiling. "I never seen this side of Kam. The mean and brutal Kam, who is very protective of me. I didnt know you cared about me that much."

"Well dont get used to that side of Kam. I dont like being that Kam I like being nice and gentle Kam who loves to dance with his Kitten." I laugh. "I am gonna have to put stitches in your cut in your stomach." He shrugs. "I am gonna have 2 scars on my stomach and one on my arm. We will match both have 3 scars." I smile nodding. "Its ain't gonna be pretty."

"Eh." I start to stitch up his wounds and after an hour I am done. I put the first aid kit back and lock my door then my window. "No school tomorrow." Kam says. "Agreed." I then off my alarm and we fall asleep. The next day we wake up sometime. I get my phone and see a text from Asher.

Why are you and Kam not in school?

We stayed up to late working on our dance then I woke up with a nightmere.

Ok see you later. Love you.

Love you too.

I sigh and look at the time. It is 10. I wake up Kam. "What?" I hit his chest. "Dont grumble at me. I need to see your stitches." He grumbles again and I hit his chest. He takes the blanket off and I look at his stomach. It is doing better but needs ice. I head downstairs and grab drinks, ice, food and movies. I then come back up and lock my door.

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