Chapter 19

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We walk out on stage holding hand and waving, smiling. Everyone erupts in cheers. Claire claps. We stand in the middle. "Woah!!!! I have been waiting all night for you both!!!" Claire yells in her microphone. Me and Kam laugh. "Well we appreciate the love." I say. "I am in love with your outfits!" Brian and Justin say. "Let me see that pretty hair Davina." Claire says. I smile.

Kam twirls me around and everyone cheers to my hair. Kam spins me back around. "Wow just everything about you guys I love." Justin says. Claire nods. "Ok back to buisness. What song will you both be dancing to?" Brian says. I look at Kam. "Falling Like the Stars." Kam says. "By James Arthor." People cheer to the song.

"That is a romantic song. What is it about." "Falling in love with someone so quickly like falling stars." I say. "And you both fell for each other?" Justin says. We shake our heads quickly. "No. I have a boyfriend he was my best friend." I say. "And you Kam?" I look at him. "I rather not say if that is ok?" The judges nod.

"Ok well begin." Claire says smiling. We hand our microphones to staff. I stand off to the side. The music begins and Kam starts dancing.

(This dance is very, very hard to describe so I will try my best, pls enjoy me painfully trying to explain the moves. Enjoy my pain!!!)

It becomes pitch black in here I get into my position and Kam gets in his. Then just one light comes on, shining down onto him while everywhere was black. The he starts.

Kam brings his arms out next to him and kneels on one knee. Then he bring the otehr one down so he is on both knees he brings his arms close like he is hugging someone. Then he brings his hands up and does a front roll with his feet straight then he pushes off his hands laying on the ground.

He then twists around 360 degrees with his feet out and straight over his head. He then lands on his stomach pushing off he stands up spins 3 times the. Bends his knees with his left arm bent in front of him. He was in front of me Now, the lights go out again then they are on me, Kam was no where to be seen now.

I then begin, I stand up straight and spin 5 times one hand above my head, my left leg up and bent then I stop and my left leg goes back out behind me my right hand is on the ground and I kick off my feet.

I bring my body around with my right hand holding me up I put my otwhr hand down i lower myself and roll on the ground. I then get up behind Kam and I run in front of him. I grab his right arm and spin myslef in front of him. Then we step forward and put our hand out in front of us. With our arms out straight we both lean back and the only thing keeping us from falling on hour asses were ours hands out straight.

Then I lean back more and my hands slid to his. He spins me and I go lower and lower when he then ebougha and I am a foot from the ground he put one leg over me then the other bringing me back up off the floor. I smile. He smiles back. We stop a foot from each other still holding hands.

Then we both step back and bring one leg out straight behind us leaning forward we spin back facing each other. With we both bring our feet down and spin, our hands at our sides. Then we stop. We bring our hands up above our heads. The we jump up.

We bring both feet out straight behind me and we land on our opposite ones we pushed up with. Then we catch ourselves with our hands in front of us I bring my right leg around and we both have our backs to each other.

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