Chapter 25: Odds (END)

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(??? 's POV)

Blankly I stared at the flickering screen in front of me, buzzing a melody that other people would consider creepy or annoying, but for me it was my very own orchestra my own concert.

The stage was mine, the clacking sound that was quickly following one after another, yes my performance this was the place I belonged to, this was my very own territory.

And yet—

I looked away from my keyboard and computer screen in the barely dim-lighted room only for reality to bring me down on this cruel planet called earth.

The lights of my stage vanished the second I had looked on the half-broken door, a room with no windows and the tapestry that had given up years ago and hang like withered flowers down the wall.

Farewell my stage, I may come back someday.

A little grin formed on my face as I ruffled through my hair and considered this unused company room my very own office, or how I call it hideout.

Just kidding my performance will go on!

I hummed in an amused manner as I clicked happily with my mouse around the web.

"Oh wow, girl you have been working hard, is that why you forgot about me already?", I muttered to myself as I zoomed into an article picture of my most appealing target that I has set eyes on more than a year ago.

Come on, don't bore me.

I already gave away my name and you are being so cruelly busy with your star stuff.

Another chuckle escaped as I planned my next teasing message that I would leave on her phone or notebook, maybe even both depending on how much pressure I want to give.

With some swift movements and a lot of chewing that would probably already have killed of my bubble gum a long time ago if it wasn't a specific bran, I started to find holes in the network to leave my precious Edo the most wonderful message of the day.

"What should it be... 'Hello Sunshine long time no see, want to join me someday? Maybe I am not persistent enough', ah no that sounds like I am despairingly waiting for her, no make it way cooler, 'Sunshine you have been hacked -again- Bee Boop. What? Surprised, I think you really slacked off since you became a star! This is only the tutorial! Come on don't be so boring you owe me one!'", my fingers stopped and hovered over the keyboard as the only sound in the room was the bubble-gum bubble popping.

I forgot something.

As I searched through my pictures a certain folder popped into my vision as I clicked it and the screenshots attached in the folder.

"Baek Minho, huh... it's not like I hate you or something", I clicked on the picture supporting my head on one hand and titling my head to the side, zooming into the not HD picture of Minho reaching out to touch Makii alone in the parking lot.

"I really don't like you either so I can't be that good-natured or a kind guy to just play off my guilt for the things I did back then", with narrowed eyes I stared at the girl crying the same girl who helped me twice and I kind of grew a bit attached if I had to admit, something like a pet you just can't kick out of your life anymore.

At that day you reminded me of someone, and kind of—

"Sorry for not being able to help you out completely. The thing is—", again my finger swiped on a key and the screenshot collection popped up on the screen of the conversation I had with Minho, before breaking the card of the phone and throwing it into the trash bin next to the parking lot.

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