Chapter 24: A certain untold story

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(??? 's POV)

I know what I was seeing, overwhelmed by a weird feeling of familiarity while that what I was seeing was quite unfamiliar, not really a sight I could get used to.

The girl who gracefully with an elegant attitude and all her power stood there, sang her soul out with a song she wrote herself.

"Cry and bend,

until the end!"

Wow, the crowd is going crazy about her.

Hidden in the darkest corner of the backstage I somehow managed to reach thanks to my shady friend, equipped with a red wig, cap, mask and clothes that were usually not my type at all.

As I starred at Canon who was just going haywire on stage, ladylike unlike her past self and not a trace left of her old attitude it finally clicked.

She is way beyond my reach anymore.

All the time I have watched her until now I had realized she was gradually changing on-stage and off-stage, but this time it was different.

She headed way out of my control, changing even more and more, it feels like the back of her old self is slowly fading farther away from me.

Yes, it is time to stop all of this, it reached a point far beyond what I had expected.

I clenched my fist as I waited for the stage to end, deeply in thought.

Time seemed much slower now.

When did it start to get out of control anyway?

I mean I watched her from the beginning so when did it head this way?

At her debut it was the same sight from the same place, as I was watching her go on stage for the first time as on of TROUBLES new member.

'I still remembered how anxious I was and still Canon did never disappoint me, she played the role too well even for me who knew the whole truth.

I was staring at her on-stage but still I felt too uneasy to just observe her only on-stage.

At least I needed to confirm she was the same off-stage.

For my own heart and peace of mind.


"Again you? What are you doing here? Why do you keep stalking us?", Ren had grabbed me by my collar for the first time, shortly after their debut with Canon I had been found out.

Thank goodness he wasn't someone with a loose mouth, despite the fact—

I really wanted to beat his guts out of him for all the pain he had caused, with that indifferent face of his and his care for nothing, the unwavering state with not a hint of regret.

If there was a thing I could wish, I would wish for Canon to be free and hit him unconscious for destroying our lives.

But he did let me go and on top of that.

"I do not care who you are and why you are here but stay away from my friends. I do not want them to know a creepy stalker like you is on their heels so get out", he let go and gave me a disgusted gaze.

"You mean Lin?", I just muttered and he dusted off his hands.

"I mean both of them, get lost before I start my own detective work on you", he narrowed his eyes before I made my escape for Canon's sake.

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