Chapter 20: Reality check

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(Mina's POV)

I always knew life was a rollercoaster, loops and twists were expected to happen, like the momentum when your life suddenly gets flipped upside down.

Even in those moments never had a twist caught me off guard like this.

One might call it—

"Hey, did she shutdown or what?", a deep and quite rude voice exclaimed while waving in front of my face, unable to respond due to the shock.

"Nope, she is probably scared of you two bald bigheads", the only familiar voice said next to me, a blonde-haired guy with no care in the world.

One might call it my most-scariest experience, event, whatever you may call it— in life.

And here he sat idle, his legs crossed while calling those big and broad guys names.

My body temperature probably decreased down to zero.

Every sound, every voice, even my own breathing started to scare me.

What if I make one wrong move and they might kill us?

I can't die yet.

My family, my friends, I didn't get the chance to date anyone yet.

Why do I think about dating in a situation like that?!

"Kid listen I ain't bald maybe that dude over there but not me. Oh dang, you girlfriend lost some colour in her face", I felt a lingering gaze on me, but I couldn't look up.

"Oh man how did you guys, out of all people, have to kidnap us?", Yoo-jung sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You ranked quite high on that popularity vote, kid. And with that girl or whatever she is to you anyways, we can not only make cash out of ransom money but even out of a scandal if things didn't work out", a nonchalant voice, like lives didn't matter as long as it meant profit to them.

Ill-hearted, there are no more words for it.

"You guys made it easy for us by choosing such a place to hangout in the first place", the other one clapped his hands as if to praise us for working along.

My whole body started shaking even more, my breathing became irregular.

It's my fault.

It's my fault we are in this situation.

'" So, why did you want to meet Mina? I thought we agreed to stop...", Yoo-jung asked me as he entered the bungalow, placing the snacks neatly on the supposed table.

"There is something I need to talk about", the seriousness in my voice was uncoated as he stared at me surprised at this sudden change of atmosphere.

"Sure. I am all ears", with a quick movement he lied on the couch and stared up at me, sometimes avoiding gaze before looking back.

"I realized that you are kind of... distant towards me and I wanted to know if I did something wrong. Whenever I write you, you shove it off or change topics. And whenever I try to catch your gaze you turn away when we meet", he sat up immediately shaking his head vigorously while putting up his hands in defence.

"No, no you did nothing wrong! It is just— ", before he could finish his sentence we heard the wooden floor creak in the hallway.

Yoo-jung was alert, immediately on his feet.

One index-finger was over his mouth as he sneaked to take a peek but it was too late as two men grabbed him immediately while he struggled, not being able to react.

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