Carlos Sainz. First Kiss. Part 5

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It's the last 30 minutes of the year. I call everyone to the patio out back where there is a bucket full of wood and paper in a shape of a fire.

"Hello everyone." I say as I stand on the chair to see them all.

"Thank you all for coming. Before midnight, I would like to open one of my traditions. I have done it since I was a young teenager. Just before midnight, I would write down things. Things about the year. Bad things. Things that I regret doing. Things that hurt me. Anything I want to let go of. And I took my candle. And I would light the corner of the page. And let it burn. I would watch the page whither into nothingness. Devoured by the charring flame. Eaten. And my pain with it. I would feel that pain be eaten from inside me. I would feel the burning inside me. I would feel the freedom. And sometimes i would end up letting the page burn so far down that it would burn my fingers. I would start the new year fresh. And I want to give you all that opportunity. I obviously dont want you to burn yourselves, so I will light this fire, and you can toss your papers into there. Watch them burn. I didnt know how many problems people would have, so I cut up lots of paper. Please, use this as a clean start. Write it all down." I said. But I left out one detail I also did a positive thing.   I sometimes had something I was grateful for. Something spectacular that happened. And those I would also write. And I would also burn. But I wouldn't let the fire eat it all. Once the paper was charred,  I would put out the flame, and slip it into an air tight plastic bag. But this takes longer, so only I will do this tonight

I take the match and light it then throw it onto the pile of wood and paper in the bucket.

One by one people placed in their troubles. You could see them being at peace as they watched it burn.

I burned my regrets, and then wrote on one last piece of paper.
The one I want to keep forevermore.
The happy memory

Usually this page would have hundreds of words describing what happened and all the details, but this one only had 6 letters.


He was what made my year manageable.

I burn the edges like I usually do, and slip it into the bag I brought outside. I slip it into my handbag and head back inside. I grab the bucket of fire and bring it with me. I place it in the fireplace and stand on the chair to see everyone.

"Hello again everyone. There is 3 minutes until midnight. I wanted to thank you all for coming and making this just like my young childhood nre years parties."I feel the pang of sadness as I think back to that one night. I quickly dismiss it and move on.
"The count down is starting! For those of you who dont knows at midnight, the big glowing ball will reach the bottom of the pole and the year will have officially begun." I say and step down from the chair.

I come beside carlos and lean my head on his shoulder. I can tell he is smiling.

"Thank you again" I say sweetly.

"Amor, of course. It's been amazing." He said.

The count down started.


I look over and see all my friends with their boyfriends.


And Anita


She is with Carlos's cousin, Carlos Oñoro.


She seems to have fallen for him.
And him for her.
Awe. They will be such a cute couple.


I hold my champagne glass and have my camera on my phone still rolling. I always video the 1 minute count down. From every year.


It's like the whole world slows


I wait in anticipation
Will the cannons work?


The year is ending.
I can be free of the pain it came with.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" Everyone shouts as the confetti goes flying.  It worked

All the cheers are cut off my kisses
Every couple is kissing.
And my gut wreches as I think of that night. I will never enjoy the first minutes of the year where everyone kisses. It hurts.

I feel a hand on my back.

Pulling me to my side.

I look.


Before I can even register what is happening, I feel my body press against his.

I am looking up at him

And he leans in

I feel his lips smash against mine.

I feel his lips smash against mine

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He pulls back.

I gasp.

"Amor, was it not a good idea? I'm sorry I just wanted to undo the pain that came with the memory of new years. I thought it would be a good time for a first kiss." He said.

"No carlos mi amor. Its perfect." I say
I press my lips against his again.

Carlos deepens the kiss.

He pulls me closer to him
There is no space anywhere between our bodies.

Our lips move in sync.

The kiss lasts an eternity  but I love it.

What a perfect start to the year.

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