Carlos Sainz. First Kiss. Part 1

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"Y/N so what are we doing for the holidays this year?" Carlos asked.

Carlos and I started as friends and only really began seriously dating recently.

"Well my family and I always used to host New Years Eve parties and watch the ball drop live in New York." I say.

"We will do that. My family doesnt usually do those things so this will be a nice chance for them to meet you again and get to see what you did growing up." Carlos said.

"Well, we will need to be able to broadcast north American satellite TV to here in Spain. I can work on that." I said.

I call my parents who live in north america and friend Ava who works with satellite TV for a living.

Ava helps me create a magic contraption to attach to the top of the TV so I can tap into the satellite and stream. My parents give me all the details about the event. When it starts, what channel and all that.

I test the device, and hop on to the channel now. Some Gordon Ramsey cooking show was on.

"That fish is so undercooked you should throw it back in the sea!" He yells and throws a spatula at one of the people.
I laugh.

My friend Ava said that to me one time as I was making cupcakes.  She also threw a spatula at me.

I am still on the phone with Ava.

"Y/N was that what I thought?! Did Gordon Ramsey just use MY LINE!?!"she squealed through the phone.

"Yes, yes he did." I say smiling.

Carlos walks in and sees the TV picking up New York channels. He smiles and hugs me.

"Knew you could do it" he said.

"Aw thanks." I say and blush.

"Now Y/N sit down. I have something important to tell you." Carlos said. I feel a prick in my side. What could be wrong.

"Ava I'm going to need to call you back." I say.

"No no. This involves her. Put her on speaker phone." Carlos said. I listen and do as he said.

The fact that this seems serious and it involves Ava means one of us is probably going to be attested for accidentally doing something illegal.

"So Y/N." Ava said.

"I know you've been lonely lately here. You miss your friends and family." Caos continues.

I nod.

"So we planned this. Y/N I'm coming to Spain for new years." Ava said.

I jump.out of my chair and squeal.

"NO WAY" I say. Carlos nods.

"And I'm bringing Lauren. And Amanda. And Zoë. And they are a bringing their boyfriends. I'm not cause I'm still a single queen, but they are." Ava said.

I look to Carlos.
"Are you okay with this?" I ask.

He simply nods.

"Oh my gosh Ava I miss you soo much i cant wait to see you soon aaaah" I say all super fast.

We hang up soon  after and I run to Carlos.

I jump onto him and wrap my arms around his neck and he spins me around

"Ah hahahaha" I laugh super happily as I smile thinking about new years eve.

It's going to be amazing.

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