Lance Stroll. How you guys met. Part 2

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"Lance you're kidding. You cant do that! My single best friend, my only friend, the ONLY person who doesnt bully me for my nerdy-ness, you cant have romantic feelings for me! Thats not supposed to happen!" I say, confused and kind of heart broken. I dont know why.

"Y/N, but I do. Y/N, you're so beautiful and kind and sweet and smart. All I want is one dance. I want you. We can bring it on the floor. We've never danced like this before." Lance said quoting the song.

"Lance, but you're my best friend. You're like my brother! I go to you when I cant go elsewhere! I cant." I say, tears forming in my eyes. I don't know what I feel.

"Exactly! You can be my girlfriend! I can bring you to all my races, and have you by my side. I can be here for you whenever you need me." He said, begging.

"Lance, dont you see? That's the problem! I'm a mess! Lance, you're an amazing driver. You're going to move on one day to do great things. You'll drive in F1. You're dad will make sure you have a good seat. You'll become famous and rich! You wont want a nerdy ugly girl like me to be with you. You'll have all the girls in the world coming after you. And even if you did want me over them, I wouldnt fit in! All the F1 girlfriends and wives are women with perfectly sculpted bodies and tons of money! Lance, I couldn't be like that. I would embarrass you! I'd be the Canadian childhood friend that no one likes. " I say. Tears roll down my cheeks.

I leave the gym and walk into the hallway. The dance is in the evening and we can all leave whenever.

"Y/N wait!" Lance calls as he runs after me. "Y/N, one day I hope I WILL become an F1 driver. And then maybe I can win your heart. Y/N, please dont let us loose eachother."

"You winning my heart? The challenge will be me winning yours" I say. Lance didnt hear me. I walk to my locker to grab my coat. Theres a hat inside. With a note.

Youre hair is beautifully done tonight. Take this to keep the snow out of it
xoxo, Lance

I take the hat and cry some more. He clearly didnt think I would turn him down at the dance. I take the hat and whisper "thanks lance". I slip the hat over my head and wrap myself in my coat. I change into my knee high winter boots. I slip on gloves and put my dress shoes in my bag. I head out into the -42 degree snowstorm.

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